Semi-silent spiritual retreat

Semi-silent spiritual retreat
Date: 30th April 2012 - 3rd May 2012
Location: Bowral, NSW
The first semi-silent retreat of 2012 will take place from 30 April - 3 May 2012, in Bowral, NSW.
As the deer longs for running streams, so I long for you. My soul thirsts for you, the God who is my life! (Psalm 42:1)
Someone once said we must retreat to be with God so we can advance to serve the people. Every year a number of officers, employees and soldiers go on special retreats. This year the Spiritual Life Development team is offering four semi-silent retreats.
At a retreat:
- We are invited to come away and rest a while.
- We are invited to be still and experience God’s healing and restoring love.
- We are invited to spend time in the presence of God and listen for his still small voice.
These retreats will give you the opportunity to come to a quiet place and just be with God.
Major Lynn Whittaker will lead theQueensland retreat.Lynn began this retreat ministry in our territory and has long experience and expertise in leading retreats. We are delighted she is able to continue in this way.
Major Jo-Anne Brown will lead the retreats atHartzerPark. Jo-Anne has a strong and clear calling to this ministry and we are so pleased she is able to lead the retreats.
Jo has her Masters in Counselling and diplomas in teaching and missiology. She has studied spiritual formation and spiritual direction. During an appointment in the Germany and Lithuania Territory she was Divisional and National Prayer Coordinator (5 and 3 years respectively). She has also taught the Pastoral Care component of the Cadet's Training Programme in that territory. Jo, with her husband Ross, are corps officers at Calamvale inQueensland.
This years retreats will take place at Hartzer Park, Bowral and Capricorn Region.
Bowral (NSW): $240
Capricorn Coast (Qld): $290
Please contact Kerrie Farthing if the cost is a factor that will prevent you from attending.
2012 Dates
- 30th April to 3rd May
- 27th to 30th August
- 12th to 15th November
- 6th to 8th August
If you would like to attend, download a registration form, fill it out and send it to Major Kerrie Farthing
Major Kerrie Farthing
PO Box4063
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