Tea Party in the Garden of Hana

Tea Party in the Garden of Hana
Date: 3rd August 2012 9:30am
Location: Springwood, Qld
In October last year Logan bid farewell to one of its beautiful community heroes when The Salvation Army's Major Merv Hopper passed away.
Please join us for the inaugural fundraising event to continue the work of Majors Merv and Fay Hopper.
When and where
9:30am for 10am start, til 11:30am
Friday 3rd August, 2012
Elements Retirement Village
224 Dennis Road, Springwood, Qld, 4127
A $20 donation, in honour of Merv and Fay, will secure you a place at our Tea Party, with all funds raised to be donated to The Salvation Army Community Services Logan Centre.
Please RSVP by 27th July 2012 to:
Therese Bey, Manager
Springwood Metropolitan Funerals
Ph: 07 3209 3555
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