Salvo Ministry - Officer and Employee. What does it all mean?

Salvo Ministry - Officer and Employee. What does it all mean?
Date: 9th December 2013 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Location: Booth College, Bexley North, NSW
Tonight, Monday 9th December 2013, Captain Grant Sandercock-Brown will be hosting a forum discussing full-time ministry in The Salvation Army.
This forum will specifically be focusing on the roles of Officers and employees in The Salvation Army and will feature a panel of Officers and employees sharing briefly about some of the benefits and challenges of full-time ministry from their perspective. There will also be an open question time where questions and comments will be taken from the audience.
This is an open invitation event being held at Booth College, which will also be live-streamed. The forum will also be recorded which will be made available soon after the conclusion of the forum.
Where: Booth College Conference Centre, 120 Kingsland Rd Bexley North
When: Monday 9th December. 7:00pm start (6:00pm QLD)
Please direct any queries regarding this event to Captain Grant Sandercock-Brown via email ( or phone (02 95020432).
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