Cadet profile: Crystal Lee

Cadet profile: Crystal Lee
30 November 2021
Meet Crystal Lee, Messengers of Reconciliation
How did you know you were being called to officership?
In 2017, I was on a discipleship and missionary trip in Honolulu, Hawaii, for three months. It was during that trip that God first called me to officership with the Scriptures Mark chapter 10, verses 29-30. At the time, I did not quite understand what it meant as I was working as an early childhood educator. However, when a staff profile update asked, “What do you like to do to feel fulfilled?” I answered, “To help those who are in need and bring them to Christ.” I realised that this is my passion. I began to have conversations with my corps officer at the time and applied for officership.
What has been challenging about your training?
In some ways, it was challenging to move across the other side of the country to live by myself with the new environment and settings, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. It was difficult to connect with others, given the COVID restrictions. Since I had never studied academically before, it took me some time to adjust to the college and the study load. However, God has placed and blessed me with some great friendships with the cadets. The lockdown times have also turned out to be a blessing as I have built a habit of running to God as my first point of contact, and it has offered me quiet downtime to journal, reflect and listen to God.
Has it been different to your expectations?
No, it has not been too different from my expectations because I don’t think I entered into cadetship with many expectations. Although, it’s also a ‘yes’ because I did not expect that we would be training during a pandemic!
What has been the most rewarding part of your training?
I have learned so much about both myself and God. My relationship with God has deepened, and I have experienced His love for me and His presence anew. The assurance that God never leaves me nor forsakes me even in the dark valleys has been very rewarding. Moreover, it has been rewarding to be able to meet and journey alongside others, join and be part of where God is at work and see lives being changed and transformed.
How has God stretched you during the past two years?
During these past two years, God has stretched me to dive further into the Bible and wrestle with some theological questions. Though there are no straightforward answers, God has challenged me to sit in the tensions and provided me guidance to be His best hands and feet. God has also stretched me to face aspects of myself that I had never known before. At times, it can be uncomfortable and painful to be pruned, though God is continuing to grow me into his likeness and make me new.
What is one important lesson you have learnt?
It is difficult to pin down one crucial lesson that I have learned! I would say I have two! One is that I am first called by and to God. I have learned that I am first a beloved child of God, that His love for me will always remain there first, and it is a gift that I am learning to receive wholeheartedly. Out of a place of receiving God’s love and grace for me and being fully loved and fully known, I can minister to others in healthy holistic wellbeing and offer God’s love to others. The second most important lesson is always keeping the receipts when I purchase anything for the corps!
Where have you been appointed during your cadetship?
I had been placed at Ferntree Gully Corps (Vic.), Camberwell Corps (Vic), The Beacon Homelessness Support and Accommodation Services (WA), and Merriwa Corps (WA), during my cadetship.
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