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Fruit of God's faithfulness in Sunraysia

Fruit of God's faithfulness in Sunraysia

Fruit of God's faithfulness in Sunraysia

22 March 2022

Majors Rod and Debbie Serojales with daughters Shaella and Amaya. After moving from Manila in the Philippines, they now feel at home in Mildura.

By Jessica Morris

Sunraysia Corps Officers Majors Debbie and Rod Serojales consider themselves at home in the north-west Victorian city of Mildura, where they serve a diverse community. But just over a year ago, life looked quite different for them. 

Their previous home was in the Philippines capital of Manila, where they lived in a small apartment above Territorial Headquarters. Debbie served as the Territorial Public Relations Secretary and Literary Secretary, while Rod was the Territorial Corps Program Secretary and Territorial Generous Life Coordinator. All up, Rod had served in his homeland of the Philippines for 12 of his 20 years in officership. Debbie had served in the Philippines for eight of her 24 years.   

They were both enjoying the lifestyle and ministry opportunities in the Philippines when life changed dramatically. They were unable to leave their home, due to COVID-19, without a permit, which only Rod could receive so he could purchase food. The young family grappled with the decision to return to Debbie’s country of birth, Australia, as they considered their safety due to the intense situation in the Philippines, where health care was becoming impossible to access.  

“Leaving was not an easy decision because that was our home, our family are there, and we worked with and lived near people that we greatly cared for. Yet, we felt God directing us and opening up the path for us to be back in Australia,” they shared.   

Initially, the move to Australia was a whirlwind. With barely any time to pack, the couple and daughters Shaella, 11, and Amaya, 9, boarded a repatriation flight, organised by the Australian Embassy, with only their suitcases and no opportunity to say goodbye. After working remotely for the Philippines Territory for eight months in Melbourne, they were reappointed to Mildura. 

One year on, they are happily engaged in the community and have plans to use their experiences to add to the programs offered by the corps. Meanwhile, their girls have adjusted to their third school in 10 months. But God soon gave the whole family the opportunity to connect with others, including their local Filipino community. 

“Our youngest had a new student start in her class late last year; she told us that she knew how hard it was to begin in a new place, so she was going to help her as much as she could,” the Serojales said.  

“[Meanwhile] we are so excited that even in this past year, we have had a number of Filipino families start attending our Sunday worship and now have a Filipino Life Group, which is growing!”   

The Serojales’ passion for different cultures makes them a good fit for ministry in the Sunraysia region. All too familiar with the isolation and culture shock that comes with moving across the globe, Debbie and Rod are members of the Pacific Australian Labour Mobility program (PALM) committee, which is committed to intentionally connecting with seasonal workers who come from the Pacific Islands.  

And, given that so many members of the Sunraysia community are also struggling with the economic fallout of COVID-19, the local Salvation Army has also expanded its programs in 2022. They will be adding a ‘Community Connection’ meal program and starting a community dinner and drop-in centre for the region.  

It has been a chaotic year, yet God has made a way. So, what advice would the Serojales give themselves the day before they left the Philippines? 

“You will be ok. It will be a challenge, but you will find joy and fulfilment where God will place you,” reflected Rod. “We understand what it is like to start afresh somewhere new; our goal is to connect with people to help them feel welcome and to meet the needs they may have.” 


  1. Know this little family so well and admire Debbie and Rod for all the work they do. Both have given up so much as far as family and country. They have raised 2 beautiful girls who have had their own upheavals but are 2 kind and caring young ladies. We are proud to know them.

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