Six 'whys' shape national journey

Six 'whys' shape national journey
16 March 2018
The journey to a single territory has been directed by six "whys".
About 138 years ago, Catherine Booth delivered a rousing sermon, and Salvationists have been quoting it ever since. She called the sermon, “Adaptation of measures”.
The sermon contains a reasoned, scripturally-based argument for why Salvationists should adapt in order to share the love of Jesus as effectively as possible. “Adapt your measures to your circumstances and to the necessities of the times in which you live,” she urged them. Famously, she said: “If we are to better the future we must disturb the present.”
Today, The Salvation Army in Australia is doing just that. Driven by our commitment to share the love of Jesus by:
- Caring for people
- Creating faith pathways
- Building healthy communities
- Working for justice
We are in the midst of an exciting and historic national transformation. Six “whys” have directed this national journey, guiding us throughout the transformation so far, and will continue to shape our journey moving forward. Stay tuned over the next few months as we unpack each of the objectives in more detail.
Aligned vision
The first “why” is Aligned Vision. Our National Commander, Commissioner Floyd Tidd, has said that: “Sight is a function of the eyes, but vision is a function of the heart.” Imagine the increased impact of an Army of Salvos throughout Australia sharing one heart; motivated, inspired by and committed to a shared vision.
Increased innovation
From establishing “Hop In” tents for soldiers in World War Two, through to the recent success of Salvos Legal Humanitarian, The Salvation Army in Australia has a rich history of innovating to respond to hardship and injustice in our nation. Increased Innovation is the second “why”. Our pioneering spirit is a great strength of our movement and this national journey brings vast opportunities for us to pioneer again. Our “1+1=New” approach is helping keep innovation and fresh thinking front and centre as the journey progresses.
United voice
Our third “why” is United Voice. As the Australia Territory, we will be able to speak and act with a single voice for greater impact on matters of national interest, including social justice, care for the vulnerable and other matters of spiritual and community signi cance.
Stronger partnerships
We will be able to build stronger national partnerships with other denominations, government, news and media, business, peak bodies and other community organisations. We call this “why” Stronger Partnerships. The Salvation Army International Development Team has been national since June 2017 and its director, Lieutenant-Colonel Simone Robertson, is already testifying to some of the benefits: “This is especially powerful and important when we are working with our peak body and with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. They just see us as ‘ e Salvation Army’ anyway so it reduces confusion and makes sense. Being national also helps with government funding.”
Better stewardship
We are motivated too by a commitment to Better Stewardship. The Salvation Army is working to reduce duplication and streamline processes to better support and empower the front line as they live, love and fight alongside others.
Greater impact
The sixth and final “why” is Greater Impact. To revisit those words from Catherine Booth: “If we are to better the future we must disturb the present”, The Salvation Army in Australia is transforming today so that we can have an even greater impact on the lives of people who are experiencing hardship or injustice in the future.
Claire Hill is the Communications Coordinator for the Australia One Program.
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