Vision campaign to soar in 2018

Vision campaign to soar in 2018
3 January 2018
A six-week ‘Living Our Vision’ campaign will run from 11 February through until 18 March celebrates the work of God through The Salvation Army.
Major Alison Gallagher was sitting in a Leading Our Vision workshop in October last year when she had a moving realisation.
“There was a moment when I felt a well of excitement (and relief) rise up in me,” she remembers. “This is an Army my kids will want to be a part of!”
Alison is one of thousands of volunteers, soldiers, officers, employees and congregation members around Australia who attended a Living Our Vision workshop in the fourth quarter of 2017. The two- hour events featured a combination of video clips, group activities and reflection exercises, all designed to help Salvos develop an affinity with the new National Vision.
Captain Karyn Kingston, a key member of the team that developed the vision workshops, says she is thrilled with how people have responded. “As people have had the opportunity to grapple with the vision, they have become excited by it, and committed to it for themselves,” she says. “The response to the vision sessions has been overwhelmingly positive, and people are making plans for how they will begin to implement and live out our vision. Our social expressions in particular have been positive, and
see possibility and hope for the mission of The Salvation Army in their area, and feel included by the wording and the focus.”
Captain Stuart Glover, Queensland Social Liaison Officer, had a similar observation. “I have witnessed significant moments in the workshops as dedicated employees who work in some of our social expres- sions have come to the realisation that they are Salvos,” he says. “They are keen to sign up to the mission.”
Another workshop facilitator, Lieutenant Ben Hollis, Assistant Corps Officer, Perth Fortress and Community Programs, enthusiastically recalls a breakthrough moment when his group was watching a clip called ‘Wake Up Call’. “The clip goes through the history of The Salvation Army, highlighting our incredible pioneering spirit, and then presents the sobering reality of where we are now ... I think that was an ‘aha’ moment for many of us in the room,” he says. “We were confronted and felt motivated to take action”.
The momentum created by these events will be built on this year, starting with a six-week ‘Living Our Vision’ campaign running from 11 February through until 18 March. An introduction week will be followed by five weeks each focused
on unpacking a line of the National Vision Statement. The Territorial Mission Resource teams have been working hard to produce a range of materials for Salvos to draw on including: video clips, sermon outlines, meeting devotionals, children’s lessons and small group materials for teenagers.
Captain Sonia Jeffrey, a member of the joint Mission Resources team, coordinated the production of the children’s lessons and is adamant that younger Salvos must be included on this journey. “Children need to feel like they belong in the movement,” she says. “They need to know what our vision is, understand it, and feel that they can contribute. We want them to know that this is not just something for adults. We want children to discover how they can be a Salvo at school and in their family space.”
At the conclusion of the six weeks, from Sunday 18 March, Salvos across Australia will celebrate their commitment to our National Vision through a range of activities. Every Salvo will be invited to sign a National Vision Commitment. Soldiers and officers will be given the opportunity to renew their covenants, and stories will be shared on social media using the hashtag #livelovefight.
Reflecting on the enthusiastic response to our vision so far, National Commander Commissioner Floyd Tidd says, “I am proud of Salvos right across Australia who have captured the essence of God’s vision for his Army. I'm excited about the thought of how Australia can be transformed. And this is not the work of The Salvation Army, but the work of God who has raised up this Army to partner with him in doing that. That’s what excites me and this is why all Salvos should not miss the opportunity to build on the momentum of Living Our Vision together.”
Claire Hill is Communications Coordinator for the Australia One Program.
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