Appointment changes - 2022

Appointment changes - 2022
The Territorial Commander approved the following territorial appointments on 22 December 2022:
Effective 11 January 2023
Major Michelle Myles*, Corps Officer - Team Leader, South Burnett Region, Queensland Division.
Major Heather Stamp*, Corps Officer - Team Leader, South Burnett Region, Queensland Division.
*Please note that personal circumstances now allow these previously rescinded appointments to be reinstated.
Effective 16 January 2023
Major Karina Wood, Corps Officer - Team Leader, Mandurah, Western Australia Division(Primary Appointment).
Out of Appointment
Major Scott Ellery will be on leave and out of appointment, effective 11 January 2023.
The Territorial Commander approved the following territorial appointments on 9 December 2022:
Effective 1 March 2023
Major Tracy Briggs, Divisional Commander - Tasmania, Tasmania Division.
Major Stephen Briggs, Area Officer - Tasmania, Tasmania Division.
Captain Kim Haworth, Divisional Commander - NSW/ACT, New South Wales/ACT Division.
Captain Steven Haworth, Area Officer - Sydney Wide, New South Wales/ACT Division.
Effective 12 December 2022
Captain Manikya Mera, Project Officer, Salvation Army International Development (SAID), Office of the Chief Secretary - Governance Lead (Appointment Rescinded).
Effective 11 January 2023
Captain Bronwyn Barkmeyer, Corps Officer – Team Member, Stafford, Queensland Division (appointment to Corps Officer, Pine Rivers - Qld rescinded).
Major Ian Channell, Corps Officer – Team Leader, Stafford, Queensland Division.
Captain Terri Goodwin, Chaplain, Cairns Aged Care – Qld Aged Care, Mission Enterprises (Title Change).
Captain Lydia Hong, Team Leader, Norwest Salvos – Hornsby Gateway, New South Wales/ACT Division.
Major Lai Li, Admin Support Officer (Primary Appointment) and Team Member - Northside Northern Beaches - Manly (Secondary Appointment), New South Wales/ACT Division.
Major Colin Maxwell, Area Officer, Northern NSW, New South Wales/ACT Division, (appointment as Admin Support Officer – NSW/ACT rescinded).
Auxiliary-Lieutenant Amanda Pethybridge, Team Leader, Norwest Salvos – Rouse Hill, Dural, New South Wales/ACT Division, (appointment as Team Member, Norwest Salvos – Rouse Hill, Dural rescinded).
Major Bronwyn Pretty, Chaplain, Macquarie Lodge – NSW/ACT Aged Care, Mission Enterprises(Title Change).
Captain Janine Skinner, Corps Officer, Whittlesea, Victoria Division (appointment as Corps Officer – Team Member, Whittlesea rescinded).
Captain Andrew Webb, Corps Officer, Burnie, Tasmania Division (Concurrent Appointment).
Effective 30 January 2023
Major Niall Gibson, Corps Officer - Team Leader, Katherine, South Australia/Northern Territory Division(Additional appointment, pro tem).
Effective 1 February 2023
Auxiliary-Lieutenant Deb Strapp, Corps Officer, Noarlunga, South Australia/Northern Territory Division.
To be announced
Corps Officer – Pine Rivers, Qld.
International Appointments (announced on 9 December):
Effective 1 December 2022
Colonel Kalie Webb, currently appointed as TLLD/TPWM in the Pakistan Territory, is appointed as the Under Secretary, South Asia zone with additional responsibilities as pro tem Director for SASIA SALT Learning Centre.
Effective 1 January 2023
Colonel Geoff Webb, currently appointed as the Territorial Commander in the Pakistan Territory, is appointed as the Executive Secretary to the General.
Effective 1 February 2023
Colonels Phil and Deslea Maxwell, currently serving respectively as Chief Secretary and Territorial Secretary for Women’s Ministries, USA Eastern Territory, are appointed as Officer Commanding and Command President of Women’s Ministries, Hong Kong and Macau Command.
International Transfers (announced on 9 December):
Effective 8 August 2022
Majors Cheryl Kistan and Nesan Kistan transferred to the USA Western Territory.
Effective 15 August 2022
Major Brendon Robertson transferred to the USA Central Territory.
The Territorial Commander approved the following territorial appointments on 2 December 2022:
Effective 11 January 2023
Captain Joycelyn McIver, Corps Officer - Team Leader, Waverley Temple, Victoria Division.
Lieut-Colonel Stuart Reid, Faith Communities Development Consultant, Mission Support Department, Office of the Secretary for Mission.
Effective 6 February 2023
Major Christine Wright, Head of College, Eva Burrows College, Office of the Secretary for Personnel.
Major Michael Wright, Faith Communities Development Secretary - Victoria, Mission Support Department, Office of the Secretary for Mission.
Effective 1 March 2023
Lieut-Colonel Sandra Godkin, Team Member, Shire Salvos - Panania, New South Wales/ACT Division.
Colonel Wendy Walters, Head of Officer Personnel, Officer Personnel Department, Office of the Secretary for Personnel.
The Territorial Commander approved the following territorial appointments on 22 November 2022:
Effective Immediately
Lieut.-Colonel Neil Venables, Secretary for Business Support, Office of the Secretary for Business Support.
Effective 27 November 2022
Auxiliary-Lieutenant Marenda Freind, Mission Leader, Ellenbrook, Western Australia Division.
Auxiliary-Lieutenant Steven Freind, Mission Leader, Ellenbrook, Western Australia Division. (Concurrent Appointment).
Major David Hawke, Chaplain, Darwin City, South Australia / Northern Territory Division (Title Change).
Major Kim Hawke, Corps Officer, Darwin, South Australia / Northern Territory Division.
Lieutenant Marika Haupt, Corps Officer - Team Leader, Palmerston, South Australia/Northern Territory Division.
Major Zane Haupt, Corps Officer - Team Leader, Palmerston, South Australia/Northern Territory Division. (Concurrent Appointment).
Effective 28 November 2022
Captain Robyn Lorimer, Executive Assistant to Territorial Leaders and Secretary for Spiritual Life, Officer of the Territorial Commander.
Effective 11 January 2023
Captain Louise Beamish, Area Officer - Central West & Far West, NSW, New South Wales/ACT Division (Concurrent Appointment).
Major Lyn Freind, Officer Personnel Secretary, Tasmania, Officer Personnel Department, Office of the Secretary for Personnel. (Pro-tem, Additional Appointment).
Captain Steven Haworth, Area Officer - Tasmania, Tasmania Division.
Auxiliary-Lieutenant Jodie McInnes*, Corps Officer, Cowra, New South Wales/ACT Division. *Congratulations to Jodie who was recently accepted as an Auxiliary-Lieutenant.
Lieut.-Colonel Laurie Robertson, Area Officer - Sydney Wide, New South Wales/ACT Division.(Central West & Far West NSW rescinded).
Lieut.-Colonel Simone Robertson, Area Officer - Sydney Wide, New South Wales/ACT Division. (Central West & Far West NSW rescinded).
Major Craig Walker, Team Member, Western Sydney corridor and Blacktown Corps, New South Wales/ACT Division.
Rescinded appointments
Major Michelle Myles, Corps Officer - Team Leader, South Burnett Region, Qld, (Rescinded, awaiting new appointment).
Major Heather Stamp, Corps Officer - Team Leader, South Burnett Region, Qld, (Rescinded, awaiting new appointment).
The Territorial Commander approved the following territorial appointments on 4 November 2022:
Effective 11 January 2023
Captain Belinda Cassie, Ministry and Support Co-ordinator, Youth Services, Victoria, Social Mission Department, Office of the Secretary for Mission.
Major Phil Inglis, Faith Communities Development Co-ordinator (Online), Mission Support Department, Office of the Secretary for Mission (moving to full-time).
Major Peter McGuigan, Communications Support Officer (Internal Communications) Internal Communications Department, Office of the Secretary for Communications (Additional Appointment).
Auxiliary-Lieutenant Amanda Pethybridge, Team Member, Norwest Salvos - Rouse Hill and Dural, New South Wales/ACT Division.
Auxiliary-Lieutenant Matt Pethybridge, Faith Communities Development Secretary - NSW/ACT, Mission Support Department, Office of the Secretary for Mission.
Captain Brad McIver, Executive Officer, Melbourne Staff Band, Mission Support Department, Office of the Secretary for Mission (Additional Appointment).
The Territorial Commander approved the following territorial appointments on 14 October 2022:
Effective 17 October 2022
Captain Kate Baudinette, Corps Officer - Team Member, Camberwell, Victoria Division.
Major Darren Elkington, Corps Officer - Team Leader, Camberwell, Victoria Division.
Effective 28 November 2022
Major Karen Armstrong, Officer, Kaniva/Broughton & Rural Chaplain - West Wimmera, Victoria Division.
Effective 11 January 2023
Major Bill Geracia, Chaplain, Inner City - Sydney, NSW/ACT Division.
Captain Katrina Hindle, Chaplain, Riverview Aged Care, Mission Enterprises.
Captain Michael Hindle, RSDS Representative, Gallipoli Barracks - Enoggera Community Engagement Department, Office of the Secretary for Mission.
The Territorial Commander approved the following territorial appointments on 30 September 2022:
Effective 1 November 2022
Colonel Rodney Walters, Editor-in-Chief, Australia, Office of the Secretary for Communications (Additional Appointment).
Effective 11 January 2023
Captain Craig Harlum, Chaplain, Elizabeth Jenkins Place, Aged Care, Mission Enterprises.
Majors Colin and Kate Young, Team Leaders, Central West NSW Salvos* - Orange, New South Wales/ACT Division (Title Change).
*The corps of Orange, Bathurst/Mudgee, Forbes/Parkes and Cowra/Grenfell in New South Wales will form the Central West NSW Salvos team in order to resource each other in practical and spiritual mission. Hence, the titles of the corps officers and ministry workers will be changed accordingly.
The Australia Territory office of the Chief Secretary has released a list of Salvation Army officer appointment changes, which are effective from 11 January 2023 (unless otherwise stated).
Please pray for those who are affected by these changes – for the officers who will be moving and any children, along with corps and centres that will be receiving new officer personnel.
The Territorial Commander, Commissioner Robert Donaldson, has approved the following appointments (click on link below):
Appointment Changes Bulletin 2023
The Territorial Commander approved the following territorial appointments on 19 August 2022:
Effective 22 August 2022
Captain Monty Bhardwaj, Community Services Specialist – Victoria, Community Engagement Department, Office of the Secretary for Mission (Concurrent Appointment).
Auxiliary-Lieutenant Lesley Burke, Corps Officer, Leeton, NSW/ACT Division.
Major Rhonda Elkington, Officer Personnel Secretary – Team Member, Victoria, Officer Personnel Department, Office of the Secretary for Personnel (pro-tem, Concurrent Appointment).
Captain Janine Skinner, Chaplain to Employment Plus – Moe, Traralgon, Morwell, Bairnsdale and Sale sites, Employment Plus, Mission Enterprises (pro-tem, Additional Appointment).
Effective 1 November 2022
Colonel Rodney Walters, Secretary for Communications, Office of the Secretary for Communications.
Colonel Wendy Walters, Officer Personnel Secretary – Team Member, Victoria, and Officer Grievance Manager, Officer Personnel Department, Office of the Secretary for Personnel (Concurrent Appointments).
Effective 11 January 2023
Majors Malcolm and Tracey Davies, Corps Officers – Adelaide Congress Hall, South Australia/Northern Territory Division.
The Territorial Commander approved the following international appointments on 19 August 2022:
Effective 11 January 2023
Captains Sarah & Shane Healey will be returning to their home territory of New Zealand, Fiji, Tonga & Samoa Territory. Their appointment is yet to be announced.
The Territorial Commander approved the following appointments on 1 August 2022:
Effective 1 July 2022
Captain Amanda Hart, Chaplain, Employment Plus - Leongatha Mission Enterprises (Additional Appointment).
Effective 26 September 2022
Lieutenant Alice Edge, Corps Officer, Copper Coast, South Australia/Northern Territory Division.
Effective 27 September 2022
Lieutenants Bethany and BJ Baillie, Mission Leaders, Subiaco Third Place, Western Australia Division.
Effective 3 October 2022
Majors David and Wendy Simpkin, Prison Chaplains - Junee Correctional Facility, New South Wales / ACT Division.
Effective 10 November 2022
Majors Craig and Shirley Spooner, Corps Officers – Kalgoorlie/Boulder, Western Australia Division.
Effective 1 August 2022
Captain Kara and Stewart Hartley, Corps Officers, Bonnells Bay, New South Wales/ACT Division (Kara and Stewart are remaining as Corps officers, Tuggerah Lakes, NSW/ACT).
The Territorial Commander for Australia, Commissioner Robert Donaldson, has announced the following appointments:
International appointment
(Announcement made in conjunction with the Canada and Bermuda Territory)
Effective 1 August 2022
Lieutenants Chad and Lisa Cole, Corps Officers, Brimbank Corps, Victoria Division.
Territorial appointments
Effective 16 June 2022
Major Brett Gallagher, General Manager, Veterans Ministries, Community Engagement Department, Office of the Secretary for Mission (Additional Appointment).
Captain Lydia Hong and Captain Sean Li, Corps Officers, Norwest Salvos Hornsby Gateway, NSW/ACT Division (Title Change).
Effective 21 June 2022
Captain Meg Dale, Corps Officer – Team Member, Brunswick, Victoria Division.
Captain Manikya Mera, Project Coordinator – Salvation Army International Development (SAID), Assistant to the Chief Secretary – Governance, (Concurrent Appointment).
Major Charles Walmsley, Chaplain, Melbourne Assessment & Port Phillip Prisons, Victoria Division.
Major Brenda Young, Assistant Divisional Commander, Victoria Division.
Effective 30 June 2022
Major John Hindle, Chaplain – Prison and Social Mission, Queensland Division,(Title Change).
Effective 1 July 2022
Major Marilyn Smith, Corps Officer – Team Member, Greater West, NSW/ACT Division.
Effective 18 July 2022
Captain Winnie Ng, Chaplain – Salvos Store, NSW Salvos Stores, Mission Enterprises.
Effective 1 September 2022
Majors Jeff and Sharilyn Bush, Mission Leaders, New England, NSW/ACT Division.
Captains Phil and Rachael Farthing, Corps Officers, Kempsey, NSW/ACT Division.
Majors Peter and Wendy Spindler, Corps Officers, Geraldton, Western Australia Division.
Effective 22 September 2022
Major Catherine Spencer, Workforce Development and Succession Planning, Project Officer – Social Mission, Human Resources Department, Office of the Secretary for Personnel.
Effective 26 May 2022
Captain Annita Allman, Children’s Ministry Leadership Development Specialist – Mission Support Department, Office of the Secretary for Mission (Concurrent, pro-tem Appointment).
Lieutenants Cindy and Henry Roehrig, Corps Officers, Inverell/Glen Innes, NSW/ACT Division.
Effective 1 July 2022
Major Melanie-Anne Holland, Chaplaincy, Inner City Network, NSW/ACT Division (Concurrent Appointment).
Effective 20 July 2022
Major Gregory Morgan, Assistant to the Chief Secretary – Governance Portfolio, Office of the Chief Secretary.
Major Priya Morgan, Executive Manager, Inclusive Practice – Quality and Safeguarding Department, Governance Portfolio.
Effective 1 June 2022
Captain Dale Allan, Assistant State Coordinator – Strategic Emergency and Disaster Management, SA Community Engagement Department, Office of the Secretary for Mission.
Effective 1 August 2022
Territorial Envoys Lucas and Angela Cairns, Corps Officers, Port Stephens, NSW/ACT Division.
Effective 20 March 2022
Majors Debbie and Rod Serojales, Corps Officer, Sunraysia, Victoria Division, (Title Change).
Effective April 2022
The four Sydney corps of Bankstown, Belmore, Burwood and Campsie Corps will form the Canterbury Salvos team in order to provide a unified, collaborative, transforming and multicultural Christian ministry to their local communities. In addition to their current corps officer roles, the Canterbury Salvos team comprises:
Captain Belinda Zhou, Captain Frank Wang, Canterbury Salvos Team Leaders – Bankstown.
Major Bong-Kyu Lee, Major Eun Sill Seo, Lieutenant Anna Kim, Lieutenant Daniel Jang, Canterbury Salvos Team Members – Belmore.
Lieutenant Dillon Wu, Lieutenant Rong Fu, Canterbury Salvos Team Members – Burwood.
Major Peter Davey, Lieutenant Silene Maria de Souza, Canterbury Salvos Team Members – Burwood.
Effective 10 April 2022
Major Jennifer Armstrong, Corps Officer - Team Member, Swan View, Western Australia Division.
Major Naava Brooks, Corps Officer - Team Leader, Swan View, Western Australia Division.
Effective 11 April 2022
Captain Gemma Keogh, Youth Services Chaplain - Tranmere Street, Victoria Division,(Title Change).
Effective 26 April 2022
Major Charles Walmsley, Corps Officer - Team Member, Brunswick, Victoria Division.
Effective 2 May 2022
Captain Gemma Keogh, Chaplain - Bridgehaven, strong>Victoria Division, (Additional Appointment; pro team).
Major Paul Moulds, Team Leader, Greater West – Glenmore Park, NSW/ACT Division, and Consultant LMD to Social Mission, Social Mission Department, Office of the Secretary for Mission (Additional Appointment).
Rescinded Appointments
Effective 11 April 2022
Captain Manikya Mera, Diversity & Inclusion Coordinator - Victoria, Mission Support Department, Office of the Secretary for Mission (Additional Appointment).
Major Mark Kop, Officer Representative, Salvos Funerals, Mission Enterprises, (Additional Appointment).
Effective immediately
Major Peter Jones, ADF Support Chaplain - Adelaide, South Australia/Northern Territory Division. (Additional Appointment)
Effective 15 March 2022
Major Charlie Jacobsen, Officer Personnel Support Services - Retirements Advisor, Officer Personnel Department, Office of the Secretary for Personnel (pro-tem Appointment).
Effective 1 April 2022
Captain Greg Turnbull, Prison Chaplain, Langi Kal Kal Prison, Victoria Division (Additional Appointment).
Rescinded appointment:
Effective 1 April 2022
Major Russell Anderson, Ministry Assistant, Torquay Corps and Prison Chaplain, Langi Kal Kal Prison, Victoria Division. * Russell’s appointments as Prison Chaplain at Barwon, Karreenga and Marngoneet Prisons in Victoria remain, along with the additional responsibility as Regional Liaison Chaplain for Marngoneet Prison.
Effective 1 April 2022
Territorial Envoys Heidi and Stuart Grice – Corps Officers, Gympie Corps, Queensland Division.
Effective 14 February 2022
Captain Meg Dale, Corps Officer – Team Member, Moonee Valley, Victoria Division.
Captain Erin Mains, Corps Officer – Team Member, Moonee Valley, Victoria Division.
Effective 19 February 2022
Auxiliary-Lieutenant Renee Pickens*, Team Leader, Norwood Salvos, South Australia/Northern Territory Division. (Congratulations to Renee on her recent acceptance as an Auxiliary-Lieutenant).
Effective 1 March 2022
Lieut-Colonel David Godkin**, Mission Leader - Miranda, NSW/ACT Division. (Lieut-Col David Godkin is returning to NSW for personal and family reasons).
Lieut-Colonel Winsome Mason, Assistant Chief Secretary, Office of the Chief Secretary.
Colonel Kelvin Merrett, Divisional Commander, Victoria Division.
Lieut.-Colonel Neil Venables, Secretary for Business Support, Office of the Chief Secretary (Pro-tem Additional Appointment).
Effective 2 May 2022
Major Simon Damen, Area Officer, South East Victoria, Victoria Division.
Effective 3 March 2022
Major Racheal-Lee Kendrick: Awaiting appointment to New Zealand, Fiji, Samoa and Tonga Territory.
International Appointment
(This announcement is made in conjunction with the United Kingdom Territory with the Republic of Ireland.)
Effective 22 April 2022
Majors Gail and Peter White, Corps Officers, Clydebank, West Scotland Division, United Kingdom Territory with the Republic of Ireland.
The Territorial Commander for Australia, Commissioner Robert Donaldson, has announced the following appointments:
Effective 30 January 2022
Major Colin Elkington, Team Leader, Farsi Faith Fellowship, Victoria Division (Additional Appointment).
Effective 7 February 2022
Major Dianne Gibbons, Corps Officer, Heathridge, Western Australia Division.
Effective 21 February 2022
Major Michelle Oliver, Area Officer, North Queensland, Queensland Division.
To be Announced
Captain Meg Dale
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