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Appointment changes - February 2021

Appointment changes - February 2021

Appointment changes - February 2021

The Territorial Commander for Australia, Commissioner Robert Donaldson, announced the following appointments on 9 January 2021:

Effective immediately

Major Tracey English, Trainer and Student Pastoral Support, Vocational Training, Eva Burrows College, Office of the Secretary for Personnel (title change).

Major Cathryn Williamson, Corps Officer, Grafton/Maclean Corps, NSW/ACT Division (title change).

Major Mark Williamson, Corps Officer, Grafton/Maclean Corps, NSW/ACT Division (title change).

Lieutenant Katrina Hindle, Corps Officer, Young/Cootamundra Corps, NSW/ACT Division (title change).

Lieutenant Michael Hindle, Corps Officer, Young/Cootamundra Corps, NSW/ACT Division (title change).

Effective 15 February

Major Melanie-Anne Holland, Policy and Social Justice Adviser, Policy, Research and Social Justice Department, Office of the Secretary for Mission,(Additional Appointment – Maternity Leave Replacement).

Major Sue May, Social Mission Chaplain, Top End Ministry Team NT, South Australia / Northern Territory Division.

Effective 1 March

Captain Kimberley Featherston, Corps Officer, Sunbury Corps, Victoria Division.

Effective 14 April

Captain Marco Lupis, Area Officer, South West NSW, NSW/ACT Division.

To be advised

Corps Officer, Bonnells Bay, NSW/ACT Division.

We pray God’s blessing upon our friends as they undertake these appointments.



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