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Appointment changes - September

Appointment changes - September

Appointment changes - September

The Territorial Commander for Australia, Commissioner Robert Donaldson, announced the following appointments on 3 September:

Effective 1 October 2020

Lieutenant Sharnna Ainsworth, Corps Officer, Carrum Downs (Victoria Division).

Effective 7 October 2020

Territorial Envoy Margaret Coombridge, Environmental Sustainability Consultant, Office of the Secretary to the Property Trusts (Risk and Compliance).

Effective 13 January 2021

Captain Kylie Hodges, Corps Officer, Victor Harbour (South Australia/Northern Territory Division).

Captain Nathan Hodges, Corps Officer, Victor Harbour (South Australia/Northern Territory Division).


The Australia Territory office of the Chief Secretary has released a list of Salvation Army officer appointment changes on 17 September, which are effective from 13 January 2021 (unless otherwise stated).

Please pray for those who are affected by these changes – for the officers who will be moving and any children, along with corps and centres that will be receiving new officer personnel.

The Territorial Commander, Commissioner Robert Donaldson, has approved the following appointments (click on link below):



The Territorial Commander for Australia, Commissioner Robert Donaldson, announced the following appointments on 24 September:

Effective immediately

Major Mark Knop, Assistant to the Public Relations Secretary, Australia Public Relations Department, Office of the Secretary for Communications.

Effective 1 October 2020

Lieut-Colonel Neil Venables, Editor-in-Chief, Australia, Office of the Secretary for Communications (Additional Appointment).

Effective 5 October 2020

Major Naava Brooks, Corps Officer – Team Member, Swan View Corps, Western Australia Division.



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