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Bereavements - August/September

Bereavements - August/September

Bereavements - August/September

Salvation Army officers and other personnel who have suffered the loss of a loved one


Lawrence Howard Rudken, father of Major Lauriee Arthur, Officer in Charge & RSDS Senior Representative (Enoggera, Qld) and grandfather to Dale Arthur, Townsville Recovery Services, youth support worker, passed away at the PA hospital on Sunday 30 August 2020 aged 85 years. One of Lawrence's favourite hymns was ‘Nearer My God to Thee’. He is now with his Lord and Saviour singing and rejoicing!

Pam Eyles, elder sister of Major David Eyles, Assistant Head of Officer Personnel, passed away on Tuesday 25 August 2020. We pray that the peace of God, ‘which passes all understanding’, might be with David and his family at this time.  

Please pray for Captains Michael and Erica Cossington (WA) as they mourn the loss of their daughter, Rachel. Rachel, who had been fighting breast cancer, passed away on Wednesday 2 September.

Major Dorothy Woodbury is bereaved of her husband Errol Woodbury who was Promoted to Glory on Friday morning, 11 September 2020, from Calvary Hospital Sydney. Errol was aged 85. Please keep Dorothy, Errol’s sisters Majors Gweneth Woodbury and Noreen Clanfield, daughters Commissioner Julie Campbell (Territorial President of Women’s Ministries – New Zealand, Fiji, Tonga & Samoa), Colonel Wendy Walters (Territorial President Women’s Ministries – Singapore, Malaysia & Myanmar), Janelle Cocking and son Errol Woodbury in your thoughts and prayers.  

Majors Mary Crowden, John McKeand and Doris Lewis bereaved of their sister Joyce Young, suddenly on 15 September 2020. 


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