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You are here: HomeGazette › Promoted To Glory Notices October November

Promoted to Glory notices - October-November

Promoted to Glory notices - October-November

Promoted to Glory notices - October-November

Salvation Army officers and personnel who have been Promoted to Glory


Dawn Lurline Yealland was Promoted to Glory from Box Hill Hospital on 23 August at the age of 92.

Major Dawn Kop was Promoted to Glory from Epworth Hospital (Vic.) on Saturday 10 October at the age 87.

Captain Rosamond Harley was Promoted to Glory from her home at Macquarie Lodge (NSW) on Monday 9 November 2020. She is survived by her husband of 56 years, Major Alan Harley, sons Peter and David, daughter Catharine and granddaughter Natalie.

Envoy Constance Elizabeth Georgina Lesar (locally and affectionately known as Ma), was Promoted to Glory on Thursday 5 November, aged 106 years and 11 months. Constance is the aunty to Major Sandra Lesar and mother to soldiers Lorraine (Tuggeranong) and Gloria (Batemans Bay).

Major Elsie Cox was Promoted to Glory on Wednesday 25 November 2020, aged 81. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family at this time. 



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