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Retirements - August/September

Retirements - August/September

Retirements - August/September

Salvation Army officer retirements

We thank God for the following officers and their faithful and dedicated service and we pray for direction, grace, fulfilment and blessings in abundance for them.

Effective 30 September 2020

Majors Brian and Clair Smith, Corps Officers, Gympie (Qld), after 29 years and nine months of service.

Further to the previous Appointment Bulletin that listed Officers retiring in January 2021, the following Officers retire in December 2020:

Major Heather EllisMajor Peter EllisMajor Phillip PlefferMajor June PurdyMajor Darryl RobinsonMajor Kaylene RobinsonMajor Peter TownsendMajor Christine UnicombMajor Heather UnicombMajor Kevin Unicomb.  


  1. May God richly bless and shine upon you Peter and Heather Ellis, May Jesus continue to be The Light upon your pathway ahead. Enjoy retirement. Well done. Bill Chalker

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