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Tribute - Gordon Fischer

Tribute - Gordon Fischer

Tribute - Gordon Fischer


Colonel Gordon Fischer was peacefully promoted to glory from his home on Monday 22 August 2022, aged 96. Gordon entered his eternal reward by walking home with Jesus after faithfully serving as an officer for almost 75 years.

Gordon FischerA portrait of Colonel Henry Fischer, painted by his granddaughter.

Gordon Henry Fischer was born on 31 December 1925 in Quorn, South Australia. As a cadet in The Warriors session, he entered Officer Training College in Melbourne from his home corps of Prospect in 1947. Following his commissioning on 12 January 1948, the young lieutenant was appointed as an assistant corps officer at Richmond North (Vic.). He served as a corps officer at two corps – Natimuk (Vic.) and Newtown (Tas.) before marrying Lieutenant Joyce Badenhop, who was serving in Sandy Bay (Tas.), on 18 November 1950. They were blessed with four children – Raymond, John, Heather and Cheryl.

Together they served as corps officers at Maidstone (Vic.), Heidelberg (Vic.), Kadina (SA), Renmark (SA), Mildura (Vic.) and Thornbury (Vic.) from 1951 to 1960. Divisional Leadership followed in the capacity of Divisional Youth Leader (Northern Vic.) from December 1960 to November 1963 and then Divisional Youth Secretary, first in Northern Victoria and then Western Australia from November 1963 to September 1970.

Social appointments followed from September 1970 to January 1987, serving as Superintendent: Hollywood Senior Citizens Village (WA), Hollywood Senior Citizens and Children’s Village (WA), Social Services Secretary for Senior Citizens and Rehabilitation (THQ) and Social Services Secretary for Senior Citizens and Rehabilitation and Bayswater Youth Training Centre (Vic.).

Gordon and Joyce, now majors, were appointed divisional leaders in May 1978, Gordon as Divisional Commander. This was followed by Assistant Territorial Social Services Secretary, and then in January 1987, Field Secretary of the Australia Southern Territory. Colonel Gordon’s last appointment before retirement with Joyce on 1 May 1991 was as Chief Secretary of the Australia Southern Territory.

In their retirement, Colonels Gordon and Joyce continued to serve the Lord to their utmost, Gordon taking on the role of Acting Regional Officer (NT Region) on 14 October 1998. Together Gordon and Joyce continued to encourage and support active officers through visitation and pastoral support.

Gordon and Joyce were soldiers of the Balga Corps (WA), Gordon serving as Recruitment Sergeant and in pastoral care. They enjoyed retirement with caravan trips, and Gordon, in particular, enjoyed oil painting until blindness in 2006 took this love away from him.

Our heartfelt sympathy, love and prayers surround and cover Colonel Joyce, Ray, John, Heather and Cheryl, their families and extended family at this tender time.

“Her master said to her, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant.
You have been faithful ... Enter into the joy of your master”
(Matthew 25:23)

A Funeral Service of Thanksgiving & Celebration of Gordon’s life will be held on Saturday 3 September at 10am at Balga Corps. The service will be live-streamed and may be viewed by the following link:


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