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Tribute - Phyllis Jones

Tribute - Phyllis Jones

Tribute - Phyllis Jones

Brigadier Phyllis Jones was promoted to glory from her home at Bates House, Glynde (SA) on Wednesday 16 December 2020. She was 96 years old.

Phyllis Marjory Yensch left the Geelong West Corps (Vic.) in 1945 to join the Fearless session of cadets at The Salvation Army Training College, Melbourne. Upon Commissioning in November 1945, Phyllis was appointed to Kent Town Boys Home (SA), and then in April 1947 she was appointed to Assistant at Port Augusta (SA). The year 1948 saw many relocations, as in January Phyllis was appointed Assistant, Kapunda (SA); then in April, as Assistant, Hamilton (Vic); and finally, in November to Daylesford (Vic.), first as Corps Officer, but in January 1949 as Assistant. In April 1949 Phyllis relocated to Reservoir (Vic.), then in 1950 to Sale (Vic.), and November 1950 to Millicent (SA) for a couple of months, as in 1951 Phyllis was appointed to Terang (Vic.).

In 1952, Phyllis was appointed to Norlane (Vic.) where she stayed for three years, before relocating to South Fitzroy (Vic.). In 1957, Phyllis was appointed to assist at Melbourne Metropolitan DHQ but unfortunately had to take a couple of months’ sick leave. In April 1957, she was then appointed as Home and Health Officer at the Training College where she served for 21 months before a couple of months at Thornbury East (Vic.) from the beginning of 1959. Phyllis assisted at the Melbourne Trade Department for a month, before relocating to South Australia to the Trade Department there in May 1959.

In February 1963, Phyllis was appointed to the Training College Office where she served for three years before being relocated to Divisional Secretary (EVD) during 1966. The year 1967 once again saw many appointment changes, where in March Phyllis was appointed to the Women’s Social Department (THQ); April, to Hobart Relief Welfare Work (Pro Tem); beginning August back to the Women’s Social Department (THQ); and end of August Divisional Secretary, Eastern Victoria, where she stayed for a little over fpur years. In January 1972, Phyllis was appointed DivisionalSecretary, Western Victoria, and during this year married Brigadier George Jones.

In 1973, together Phyllis and George were appointed to Unley Corps (SA) and then in 1974, to Hedland (WA) where they ministered for three years. In January 1978, Phyllis and George were appointed to Linden Park Senior Citizens Residence (SA) and then in September of the same year Phyllis moved to the Missing Persons Enquiry Officer. This was Phyllis’ final appointment before retirement in January 1982, but retirement did not stop her ministry. In 1983, Phyllis was appointed as Divisional Finance Officer, and at the end of 1984 Corps Officers, Campbelltown (SA). In 1986, Phyllis and George then went overseas to minister in Chikankata, Zambia.

Our love, sympathy and prayers are with all family and friends honouring Phyllis’ life. May God bring comfort to those who mourn her passing, confident in the knowledge that Phyllis is now with her Lord and Saviour.

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” (
Isaiah 41:10).

The funeral service for Brigadier Phyllis Jones will be held at 11am on Tuesday 5 January 2021, at Ivan Butler Funeral Homes, 26 O.G. Road, Klemzig, to be conducted by Major Rintje Taekema.


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