Commonwealth Games inspire sports ministry

Commonwealth Games inspire sports ministry
Before and during the Commonwealth Games, there were opportunities for The Salvation Army to show how we love God and others.
Athletes and para-athletes from around the world took part in the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games from 28 July to 8 August. Birmingham was full of people attending special arts and cultural events relating to sport. Before and during the Games, there were opportunities to get involved, showing how we, as The Salvation Army, love God and love others. These opportunities are continuing today.
The West Midlands Division planned for the Games for some time. Rob Moye, the United Kingdom and Ireland Territory Sports Mission Specialist, supported corps and centres as they engaged with their communities, using sport and activities to talk about Jesus. The desire was, and is, to create a legacy of sport and exercise for mission in the division, to be used, shaped and developed well beyond the close of the Games.
“We have the opportunity to support people with their mental health, wellbeing, addiction, loneliness, and so much more,” said Rob.
Salvationists were invited to join the parkrun at Edgbaston Reservoir during Together 2022 in Birmingham.
Other events included a parkrun on the Saturday of the Together 2022 weekend (15–17 July), a divisional trail run, a ‘Couch to 5K’ run organised by Birmingham Citadel, corps rambles, fundraising cycle rides and integration with local running clubs.
“God is calling us everywhere so that in every encounter, in every journey and in our everyday lives, we have opportunities to see what God is doing and join in with that,” enthused Rob.
“Connecting your passion for Jesus with your love of sport can provide you with fresh opportunities for mission, which could open new doors and allow you to build new relationships in the lives of people within your communities.
“We strive to support and encourage the grassroots Church to create a life of sustainable, community-centred and focused sporting mission. We have the opportunity to support people with their mental health, wellbeing, addiction, loneliness and so much more through sport as we worship with and disciple others, going deeper and further with people everywhere. ‘For in him we live and move and have our being’ (Acts 17:28).”
Birmingham Homelessness Services football team at a recent fundraising match against West Midlands police.
Divisional Youth Specialist Laura-Jane Kingscott (West Midlands) spoke of her experiences: “Sports mission is an avenue for Jesus to use me to reach as many people as I can. I get to combine my love of sport with my love for Jesus and my passion for others to know about this amazing love that will change their lives. What could be better than that?”
Major Adrian Allman (Birmingham Citadel) says: “I often hear the phrase ‘You need to get out more’, and sport and similar activities give members of our church opportunities to not only look after their own wellbeing – to take care of what God has made – but also to move beyond our building and meet other people. Sports mission is an opportunity for God’s people to be out there, to build relationships and share the story of God’s amazing grace in their lives.”
The first thing to look at is what facilities you have on your doorstep, such as a recreation ground where an activity could be held. Do you feel God is calling your corps to reach out to its community? If plan A doesn’t work, maybe plan B will!
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