Conference builds spiritual leaders for Africa
Conference builds spiritual leaders for Africa
Salvation Army officers from across Africa have been gathering in Nairobi, Kenya, for a 30-day conference to learn, grow, network and pray.
The Africa Conference for Officers (AFCO) is focused on building African leaders in the diverse African cultures. Over the past weeks, the 31 delegates have learned from each other and the faculty of international leaders who are also attending. The conference will conclude this week.
Every three years the Africa Zone gathers eager Salvation Army officers for this month of intensive learning. The entire program is available in English, French, Swahili and Portuguese, including both spiritual and leadership workshops.
A few of the major topics presented have included Holiness, Theology in the African context, Servant Leadership, Change Management, Women in Leadership, Christian Ethics and Social Justice issues.
Some of the best learning is in the fellowship outside of the classroom. Fellow officers who face the same challenges and opportunities share their experiences and tell the story of their ministry, creating life-long friendships and memories. Through prayer they become co-workers in the gospel, despite living in different parts of Africa.
This year, the 12th AFCO concludes with a covenant renewal ceremony on Saturday 30 June, presided over by the General-elect, Commissioner Brian Peddle, Chief of the Staff.
Certificates are also awarded to the delegates for their contribution and participation.
The World Secretary for Women’s Ministries, Commissioner Rosalie Peddle, has been providing insights on Women in Leadership as well as an international perspective on women’s ministry.
The International Secretary for Africa, Commissioner Benjamin Mnyampi, and Zonal Secretary for Women’s Ministries, Commissioner Grace Mnyampi, will also be in Nairobi for the last days of the conference, contributing instruction and encouragement to the delegates. They are inspired by the passion and commitment of the delegates and encourage the African people and the entire Salvation Army family to pray for all AFCO participants.
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