International News Briefs - 21 October
International News Briefs - 21 October
Dunkin the golden labrador retriever gets a pat from local residents who are recovering from Hurricane Ian that struck Fort Myers Beach in Florida.
Puppy love blows away hurricane blues
Canines for Christ is partnering with The Salvation Army and using the power of ‘puppy love’ to bring emotional relief to survivors of Hurricane Ian. A golden labrador retriever named Dunkin toured around homes near Fort Myers Beach in Florida where hurricane survivors were cleaning out the first floor of condos that were inundated by massive storm surges.
Tina Reeder, Dunkin’s handler and an ordained chaplain with Canines for Christ, says the golden lab went through extensive training to be certified as a crisis response therapy dog through the American Kennel Club. “The mission of Canines for Christ is to share the love of Jesus Christ in times of despair through the dog. People stop and pet the dog, and it gives us an opportunity to talk and pray with them,” Reeder said.
The impact of Dunkin’s presence was immediately apparent in his interactions with approximately 40 hurricane survivors at a condo complex in Fort Myers. One after another, those working on salvaging belongings in flooded-out homes flocked to Dunkin, asking to pet him and letting Dunkin give them some love during their time of need.
Army represented at world churches assembly
The six officers who represented The Salvation Army at the 11th General Assembly of the World Council of Churches.
Each day began with morning prayers reflecting the rich diversity of cultures and spirituality of the 352 different churches represented. There was Salvation Army representation in the prayer sessions, with Commissioner Jane Paone, Secretary for International Ecumenical Relations at International Headquarters helping to lead prayers from the main stage on the assembly’s penultimate morning.
On Sunday, Salvation Army delegates were made welcome at Mannheim Corps and took part in worship, with Lieutenant Jonny Whitmore (UK and Ireland Territory) giving his testimony and Commissioner Paone preaching. They shared a meal with corps members, and Chief Secretary Lieut-Colonel Hartmut Leisinger spoke to the group about the work of the Germany, Lithuania and Poland Territory.
Commissioner Paone, who is a member of the WCC Central Committee, headed up the Salvation Army delegation which was comprised of Officer for European Ecumenical Relations Commissioner Vibeke Krommenhoek (IHQ), Secretary for Capability Development and Training Lieut-Colonel Bishow Samhika (IHQ) and – from the UK and Ireland Territory – Lieut-Colonel Karen Shakespeare, Territorial Ecumenical Officer Lieut-Colonel Jonathan Roberts and Lieutenant Whitmore. Another officer, Lieutenant Franziska Hari (France and Belgium), took part in the pre-assembly Ecumenical Youth Gathering.
The Salvation Army is an adviser member of the WCC, which was founded in 1948 to work for the cause of ecumenism. An assembly is normally held every eight years, but this gathering took place a year late because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The last assembly took place in Busan, Korea, in 2013.
Girls empowered around the world
Ten years on from its inception at the United Nations, celebrations, campaigns and meetings have taken place across the international Salvation Army to acknowledge the International Day of the Girl Child (11 October) and recognise the position of girls and young women in our world and in the global Church.
From community-led education events in Zambia to corps meetings planned and led entirely by girls in the USA, Salvationists added their voices to the cause and honoured the lives of girls and young women. The international Youth and Children section produced a spoken word item showcased on social media. This piece was written and presented by nine girls who represented the vast and varying experiences of the global Salvation Army, and it expressed compassion and concern for the “millions of girls around the world who are trapped”.
As has become a landmark celebration in recent years, the International Social Justice Commission (ISJC) hosted a digital event filled with creative performances, songs and dances from girls around the world, live-streamed to YouTube and Facebook. The ISJC chose to take the special anniversary as an opportunity to reflect on the past 10 years of Salvation Army investment and involvement with the empowerment of girls by combining footage from previous years with present-day hosts. The overarching message could be summed up by the contribution of a young Indonesian girl: “We are special, we are unique, we are beautiful. We are ready to move and do something.”
“The Salvation Army wants to see justice and equity,” said Commissioner Peddle, World President of Women’s Ministries. “We want to see girls and young women equipped and empowered to thrive among their peers. We want to see girls grow into people who are firmly rooted in the knowledge that they are loved and valued, knowing they can meet with a God who sees them and says, ‘You are precious. You are worthy. You are my daughter.’”
Army leaders gather for first time since 2017
Leaders of The Salvation Army’s 58 territories and commands gathered in Vancouver, Canada, for the International Conference of Leaders (ICL) earlier this month. It was the first in-person gathering of leaders since 2017 and the first under the leadership of General Brian Peddle – supported by Commissioner Rosalie Peddle (World President of Women’s Ministries), the Chief of the Staff (Commissioner Lyndon Buckingham) and Commissioner Bronwyn Buckingham (World Secretary for Spiritual Life Development).
The aim of the conference was for officers to join in solidarity and the prayerful contemplation of a range of practical and theological issues. This international gathering considered how the international Salvation Army could best meet its mission in the 21st century, with a concentrated focus on ‘Our Identity, Our People and Our Priorities’.
In his opening remarks, General Peddle said, “I am reminded of the adaptation of Reinhold Niebuhr’s Serenity Prayer: ‘God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.’ At first reading, the prayer appears to be about change, but I think it is about more than that. It speaks of discernment. About intentionally being our own ‘critical friend’ and of the ability to recognise our own strengths and weaknesses. The ICL is tasked with clarifying the agenda and establishing resolve while recommending course adjustments. We are charged with intentionally and critically examining whether the movement is fit for purpose in today’s world. Fruitful deliberation should help us to ultimately shape a strategy to help The Salvation Army flourish and meet the needs of the most vulnerable without prejudice or discrimination. I ask Salvationists around the world to pray for God’s guiding hand and wisdom at the ICL.”
For more stories from the ICL go to:
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