Remembering Mr George Floyd

Remembering Mr George Floyd
As riots continue in the United States over the death in custody of George Floyd, The Salvation Army United States Northern Division has issued a statement of condolence for George, who worked for a time at the Army's Harbor Light Center and was known to many people there.
We at The Salvation Army are so deeply heartbroken about the death of George Floyd.
His death saddens us – it is a horrific example of man’s inhumanity to man. The image of Mr George Floyd, who worked for a time at our Harbor Light Center, pinned down by the neck in the middle of the street in Minneapolis until his last breath of life was involuntarily and brutally expelled from his lifeless body, has shaken us to our very core.
We believe that everyone is created in the image of God, and the inhumane treatment of Mr Floyd by the police officer is completely counter to what we at The Salvation Army hold as our core values and mission.
This indignity cannot be ignored. It must be addressed in direct, compassionate and resolute ways. Our hearts, thoughts and prayers go out to the family, friends and associates of Mr Floyd. We are praying that justice will be done for all involved.
As followers of Jesus Christ, we are called to challenge the structures of society that allow for and perpetuate the devaluation of others. Micah 6:8 implores us to seek justice, stand up for those who are mistreated and act creatively to bring hope, transformation and wholeness.
Christ calls us to join Him in that comprehensive restoration process today by standing up and respectfully speaking out the name of Mr George Floyd in representation of our Black and Brown brothers and sisters who continue to suffer the injustices of racism, segregation and prejudice; the kind of prejudice that stagnates the soul, jeopardizes life and absolutely misrepresents an inclusive Gospel.
Our prayers are for peace amidst the protest and for community collaboration to bring about constructive dialogue and solutions to the larger issues that foster these types of actions. Our prayer in the coming days is for people to appropriately, and rightfully, express their hurt and dismay in ways that do not injure others or damage property, but rather begin to build a foundation of intentional and authentic dialogue for moving forward. As we all pursue justice, let us all commit to pursuing peace.
Amen to all your comments! I agree that we need to pray more for our country, our neighborhood, our cities. We need to truly spread the love of Jesus so that others may know and hopefully received true salvation. Only in Jesus can we find peace, forgiveness, and hope.
Strong words that I heartily endorse and with which I agree. It is surprising to me, though it shouldn't be, that racism is still so prevalent. I was not raised this way. I'm a soldier, employee and "daughter of the regiment". I grieve with you in the loss of one of our own.