Salvation Army commences work in 133rd country

Salvation Army commences work in 133rd country
Soldiers have already been enrolled in the West African nation of Guinea – the 133rd country where The Salvation Army is at work.
General Brian Peddle has confirmed that Guinea will be the 133rd country in which The Salvation Army is officially at work. The West African country will be part of the Liberia and Sierra Leone Command, under the leadership of Lieutenants-Colonels Mary and Samuel Mkami.
Guinea is a country with a population of more than 13 million people. It is differentiated from Guinea Bissau and Equatorial Guinea by its capital city, Conakry. Guinea achieved independence from France in 1958 and has retained French as its national language. It is a predominantly Muslim country, with a Christian population of less than 10 per cent.
Preliminary exploration of ministry potential in Guinea took place in 2018 when a Canadian Salvationist working there received the first expression of interest in the movement. The Liberia and Sierra Leone Command indicated its willingness to explore opening the doors of ministry there, and by January 2019, in cooperation with the Congo (Brazzaville) Territory, Captains Benarde and Thomas Mbouabani were appointed to initiate the work. This led to the official registration of the Army as ‘Armée du Salut’ on 15 November 2021.
The work has grown rapidly since those first days. Today one corps and five outposts have already been established.
In their visit to Liberia in February 2022, the General and Commissioner Rosalie Peddle, World President of Women’s Ministries, noted a contingent of more than 100 people who had come from Guinea to participate in the celebrations and whose expressions of joy to be part of The Salvation Army family were evident.
Commissioner Keith Conrad, International Secretary for the Africa Zone at International Headquarters, said, “The official confirmation of Guinea as the 133rd country in which The Salvation Army has opened fire is an assurance that God is true to his Word, as when Jesus said to Peter, ‘On this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it’ (Matthew 16:18 English Standard Version). The Africa Zone celebrates this confirmation as the mission of God continues to advance through The Salvation Army in Africa. Hallelujah!”
Speaking about the establishment of work in Guinea, the General said: “I am delighted to welcome Guinea into the worldwide Salvation Army fellowship. Africa is a wonderful example of God’s presence. It is fantastic to see God answer prayers made in faith so many years ago in creating this opportunity. God bless The Salvation Army in Guinea.”
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