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Selfies encouraged as Army goes red, yellow, blue and orange

Selfies encouraged as Army goes red, yellow, blue and orangeDraped in Orange to support the United Nations 16 days of activism against gender-based violence. Top Row: Colonels Janet and Richard Munn, and the director of The Salvation Army's International Social Justice Commission, ISJC Senior UN Representative Major Victoria Edmonds. Middle Row: ISJC Operations and Digital Communications Manager Christine Russell-Pritchard, ISJC International Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Response Coordinator, Priscilla Santos, ISJC Senior Research Analyst Dr Laurelle Smith, ISJC Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Response Intern Kellyn Mylechreest. Bottom row: ISJC Resource and Research Development Intern Adam Raine, and ISJC Others Trade for Hope Intern Meble Birengo, IHQ Youth and Children’s Section Intern Fernanda Rivera, and ISJC Digital Communications Intern Angelica Sulit. Artwork: Angelica Ruth Sulit.

Selfies encouraged as Army goes red, yellow, blue and orange

By Darryl Whitecross

Usually, the worldwide colours of The Salvation Army are red, yellow and blue but, over the next 16 days, another colour is to be added.

Salvationists around the world are being encouraged to "wear orange" over the next few days in support of a United Nations campaign to end gender-based violence, titled "Orange the World". A bright and optimistic colour, orange has been chosen to represent a future free from violence against women and girls.

The initiative is to run for 16 days to December 10 and is part of the United Nations' UNiTE strategy to end violence against women by 2030.

'Orange the World: End Violence against Women Now!' is also the theme for today’s International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

Major Victoria Edmonds, The Salvation Army’s International Social Justice Commission Senior UN Representative, says that, as part of the Army’s support of the initiative, Salvationists are being encouraged to take photographs of themselves or others dressed in orange or with an orange theme, and post them on social media, "tagging” the ISJC.

Victoria says that, by wearing orange, Salvationists will raise their collective global voice “to help end this injustice”.

ISJC staff will join those at the United Nations and wear orange scarves todayto launch 'Orange the World'. 

In London, Lauren Westwood, from the Army’s International Women’s Ministries team, says International Headquarters will be offering free orange badges to all officers, employees and the public through its ground-floor Cafe 101, in the heart of the British capital.

Lauren says that simply pinning on an orange ribbon or badge would be "a sure conversation starter", adding that domestic violence and human trafficking are two of the most prevalent forms of gender-based violence.

General and Commissioner Rosalie Peddle will be joining Salvationists around the world in speaking out on "this important social justice issue" and wearing orange during the 16 days.

IHQ has produced special literature to be placed in its cafe and posters on domestic violence and human trafficking will be put up around the building.

During the 16 days, information inclduing statistics and suggestions about ways that Salvationists and friends can play their part in eliminating gender-based violence, will be posted on its social media platforms.

The Army has been particularly concerned at the significant rise in homelessness and violence against women since the global COVID-19 pandemic began as strategies put in place to stop the spread of the virus limited the movement of populations and communities around the world, requiring people to be confined to their homes for long periods.

Victoria says the Army supports UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’ call for "peace at home" as the incidents of homelessness and violence against women – particularly over 50 – had soared since the COVID-19 pandemic emerged.

The UN says 135 countries this year had strengthened their actions and resources to address violence against women.


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