The Chief of the Staff encourages Salvationists and service users in South Africa

The Chief of the Staff encourages Salvationists and service users in South Africa
The Chief of the Staff with worshippers at Bonteheuwel Corps, Cape Town.
The Chief of the Staff, Commissioner Brian Peddle, recently visited the Southern Africa Territory, led by Colonels Keith and Yvonne Conrad, to participate in an international Salvation Army conference concerning future IT strategies and developments. He also took the opportunity to visit social centres and programs and participate in worship meetings.
On the Saturday morning of his visit the Chief, accompanied by Colonels Conrad and Western Cape Divisional Commander, Major Ivy Mntambo, spent time at The Salvation Army’s Booth Memorial Hospital. The leaders also visited the Beth Rogelim Men’s Hostel, which provides safe accommodation and meals as well as practical, emotional and spiritual support to more than 150 older people.
Many seekers knelt at the penitent form of the Bonteheuwel Corps, in Cape Town, South Africa, after the Chief of the Staff, Commissioner Brian Peddle, conducted a holiness meeting and preached a powerful message on Isaiah 6:8. This corps is situated in the Cape Flats area of the city, an area notorious for its gang-related violence and drug abuse.
During the Sunday afternoon the Chief preached at a vibrant divisional holiness meeting held at Goodwood Citadel. In an inspiring message, focusing on the Whole World Mobilising theme, the Chief challenged all present to “be the whole church, taking the whole gospel to the whole world”.
After a time of prayer and commitment, which saw several children and adults kneeling at the mercy seat, the territorial commander brought out the new Whole World Mobilising flag to the great delight of the congregation.
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