IHQ announces new appointments for Australia
IHQ announces new appointments for Australia
2 September 2016
Majors Donna and Stuart Evans are returning to new appointments in Australia.
International Headquarters this week announced several new appointments to the Australia One National Leadership Team, to be based in the National Office in Canberra. They are as follows:
Lieutenant- Colonel Bruce Stevens has been appointed National Secretary for Communications, effective 1 November 2016. This appointment will create a new Cabinet Secretary position for the National Headquarters, providing oversight to the eventual merger of Public Relations, Communications and Fundraising, Editorial and Information Technology (IT).
Lieutenant-Colonel Debra Stevens, National Prayer Coordinator, effective 11 January 2017. This appointment reflects the priority given to prayer as a foundation for Australia One.
Major Greg Morgan, National Training Principal, effective 11 January 2017. This appointment will provide oversight to the development of a united national training program for officer training.
Majors Stuart and Donna Evans, officers of the Australia Eastern Territory, currently serving in the Netherlands, Czech Republic and Slovakia Territory, will be returning to Australia to take up their new appointments in their home territory. These are both effective 1 February 2017.
Major Donna Evans, is appointed as Assistant Chief Secretary, Office of the Chief Secretary-in-charge. Major Stuart Evans National Secretary has been appointed as the National Secretary for Business Administration and will provide oversight to the eventual merger of Business Departments and Services other than IT. The Evans will take up their new appointments with promotion to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel.
"The leadership team being assembled at the national level will work closely with their counterparts in the territories to build structures that will support the functions of a new national administrative model for The Salvation Army in Australia," said Commissioner Floyd Tidd, National Commander. "The prayerful support of so many across Australia and around the world is a reminder that we as an Army move forward on our knees. I know that those taking on new national leadership responsibilities are grateful for this foundation as they assume their new appointments."
The statement moving forward on our knees .Is really a great start for our new national Salvation Army.in Australia.we cannot do anything without the Guidance of God.
Onward and Upward.