8 September 2016
Photo courtesy of Aquabumps.com
One in five Australians experience some form of mental illness, and suicide was the leading cause of death for people aged 15-44 in 2014.
This makes mental illness one of the foremost issues in society – and it’s not just in your workplace; it’s in your congregation, your home and maybe even your own life.
The R U OK? campaign highlights the difference meaningful connection between people can make on their mental wellbeing. It encourages everyone to be proactive in their conversations with others so that relationships are places to be real and receive support.
Here’s some other ways that you can begin being a positive support for those with mental health issues:
1. Recognise that mental illness is more than a spiritual issue. We tell people who experience anxiety to “pray more” and “trust God”, but in doing so fail to acknowledge their overall needs. There can be a spiritual element to mental illness; however, we can’t ignore the psychological and physical aspects of it, which require professional care.
2. Understand it can affect anyone. Mental illness is not restricted to one people group; a particular culture or a certain gender, sex or age. Genetic make-up, life events and personal factors are only some of the reasons a person can develop mental illnesses.
3. Realise it’s not always related to drugs and alcohol. Addiction is a substance-use disorder, and this can be expressed in numerous ways. Substance abuse can play a role in the onset of mental illness and its progression, but is not intrinsically tied to it.
4. Don’t expect people to just “get over it”. Depression is defined as feelings of extreme and unusual sadness that last for two weeks or more. Like any other sickness, it’s not something that is fixed in an instant. With the right treatment, people can overcome mental illness. Even so, there are others who live with it and learn to manage its symptoms.
5. Seek professional support. It’s not enough to just support a friend with mental illness. They need a professional to help them manage their illness and enter recovery.
6. Be empathetic. If a person displays erratic behaviour, constantly talks about their mental state, displays suspicious wounds on their body or exhibits other unusual behaviours, don’t dismiss them as an “attention seeker”. These are all symptoms of mental illness.
7. Don’t try to be a saviour. Support your loved ones to the best of your ability, but leave the professional advice to counsellors. If someone is in crisis, call Lifeline immediately on 13 11 14, or an ambulance on 000. To join the R U Ok? campaign go HERE
Adapted from an article that first appeared in Onfire Magazine.
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