Officers take up new appointments
Officers take up new appointments
12 January 2017
Today more than 200 Salvation Army officers around Australia will take up new appointments.
Former Australia Eastern Chief Secretary-in-charge, Colonel Mark Campbell has already taken up his new appointment as National Chief Secretary, along with his wife Julie, who is National Secretary for Women’s ministries. Mark and Julie know well the anticipation and challenge of new appointments and encouraged Australian Salvationists to be praying for the officers and their families who are on the move, along with the corps and centres that will be receiving new officer personnel.
“Whether officers stay or move we continue to fulfil our covenant which says that we live to win souls and make their salvation the first purpose of our lives wherever we are trusting God for the future," Mark said. "The new national mission statement says The Salvation Army is a Christian movement dedicated to sharing the love of Jesus, and that just doesn't mean officers, its for all of us.”
Announced in September last year, today’s appointment changes include every area of The Salvation Army’s work, from social program, to corps, business administration and training roles. Some officers will move across the country, others will move departments or take on an additional role.
New to this year's appointments were those related to the Australia One National Leadership Team, which continues to lead the country towards a single territory.
May God be with all those that are moving into new appointments , Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine. God bless those who are remaining too.