General celebrates The Salvation Army's work in Mali

General celebrates The Salvation Army's work in Mali
6 February 2017
Salvationists in Mali kneel at the mercy seat during the 10th anniversary celebrations attended by the General and Commissioner Cox.
The Salvation Army celebrated its 10th anniversary of its work in the northern African country of Mali with a visit from the General André Cox and Commissioner Silvia Cox.
The international leaders were warmly welcomed at Bamako International Airport by Mali Regional leaders Majors Dieudonné and Philippine Tsilulu, officers and soldiers.
Their weekend visit included a women's rally, celebration meeting and youth concert and the country's first march of witness, all recognising the significant growth that God has brought about in the country.
At the holiness meeting on Sunday, around 400 Salvationists and friends celebrated the faithfulness of God through lively singing and dancing. Special guests included the Burkina Faso ambassador, a representative of the UK ambassador, the police commissioner and the chairman of an ecumenical committee. The highlight of the meeting was the enrolment of 91 senior soldiers, taking the number of soldiers in Mali from 125 to more than 215.
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