New book gets to the heart of Army's missional heritage

New book gets to the heart of Army's missional heritage
28 June 2017
Major Lyn Edge and Major Gregory Morgan explore mission from a Salvationist perspective in their new book Partnering with God: Being a missional Salvationist.
The distinctive missional heart of The Salvation Army is the focus of a book being launched this week in Sydney and Melbourne.
Partnering with God: Being a Missional Salvationist provides a introduction to mission from a Salvationist perspective, co-authored by Australia Eastern Territory Assistant Secretary for Program, Major Lyn Edge, and National Training Principal, Major Gregory Morgan.
“For a movement that essentially began on the streets as an evangelical mission and then an agent of social reform, it is difficult to find a contemporary book exploring missiology from a Salvationist viewpoint,” says Major Edge.
While including a chapter on Salvationist history and utilising practical examples from The Salvation Army, the book provides a general introduction to mission, exploring a theological framework for mission, historical considerations and current global trends, as well as the practical application of living out of a missional mindset.
“Mission is at the heart of who we are as people of faith. This is the case for all Christians, but in a very definite way this is our Salvationist heritage,” says Major Morgan. “For a Salvationist, mission can’t be a theory or optional extra. It is central and essential to our being. As Salvationists we must be missional.”
Major Edge and Major Morgan drew on their experience leading in missional contexts, as well as many years of teaching mission.
The book will be launched at the Australia Eastern Territorial Headquarters on Thursday 29 June. National Commander, Commissioner Floyd Tidd, will launch the book in Melbourne, at 614 corps, on Sunday 2 July.
Partnering with God: Being a Missional Salvationist will be available from Salvationist Supplies in Sydney (1800 634 209) or Salvation Army Supplies in Melbourne (1800 100 018), as well as through Wipf and Stock Publishers. It will also be available as an ebook in the near future. For more info, see the Partnership With God facebook page.
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