Highlights Series 2: Jennifer Walker, Territorial President of Women's ministries, Indonesia

Highlights Series 2: Jennifer Walker, Territorial President of Women's ministries, Indonesia
26 December 2017
Commissioner Jennifer Walker, Territorial President of Women’s Ministries, Indonesia
This year Peter and I have been saddened when we have visited some divisions to see the state of the quarters that some of our officers have to live in – especially in the very remote areas of Sulawesi.
Some have no windows, ceilings or doors; others have gaping holes in the walls and dirt floors.
We believe these homes have a detrimental effect on the health and well-being of the officers and their families.
It has been a highlight for us this year to be able to allocate the bulk of our 2017 Mission Support Funding from International Headquarters towards a project to upgrade 25-30 quarters.
Also, the USA Southern Territory is very generously going to give us US$100,000 towards the project.
Each home will cost approximately US$10,000 and will be constructed with four solid concrete walls, windows and doors, a roof and a cement and tiled floor.
The homes will not have permanent electricity or plumbing as they are too remote for these amenities. However, they will go a long way to protect the officers and their families from the elements and disease-bearing mosquitoes.
A direct blessing for both the officers and their families and also for you Commisioners Jennifer and Peter Walker. It was God who touched your hearts with such compassionate empathy. You were able to identify this great need and access the funding to correct the situation. God is so good to place you in the right place for a time such as this. May God continue to bless your ministry.
I am so proud of what you are trying to achieve. The little your Father and I give through the sale of jams, pickles and apple pies is so little in comparison to what you are needing. I pray that someone who reads this article in the. OTHERS. Magazine will generously support your aim.