Highlight series 6: Major Brett Gallagher, Red Shield Defence Services
Highlight series 6: Major Brett Gallagher, Red Shield Defence Services
29 December 2017
Major Brett Gallagher, Chief Commissioner, Red Shield Defence Services
The Sallyman is known for bringing comfort to soldiers in barracks and in the field. Recently one of our representatives was attending a parade in a town away from their home base. It was the day before Remembrance Day.
In the crowd that day was an ex-member of the Australian Army who had been struggling with PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) for a number of years. He was unable to attend events like Remembrance Day as it just brought up too many painful memories.
The ex-member saw the parade pass by with the Sallyman truck bringing up the rear. The next day he decided to attend Remembrance Day for the first time since he had discharged.
His words have inspired me to continue to come alongside those in the Defence Force as it sums up our work. He stated, “I came because I saw the Sallyman the day before and knew I would feel safe.” He stayed close to the truck, and his wife and family were so very proud of him.
In this time where we reflect on “Peace of Earth” I am thankful that God uses The Salvation Army to make a safe place, a place of peace for those who serve and have served.
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