General Cox opens inspiring 'mobilising' exhibition

General Cox opens inspiring 'mobilising' exhibition
30 January 2018
The first-prize winning photo, 'Simba Mbiri and Mainga Milambo lead a soul to Christ in Lusaka, Zambia'. Photo by Chola Simwanza.
Opening a new exhibition of photos in Gallery 101 at The Salvation Army’s International Headquarters (IHQ), General André Cox prayed that visitors to the building would see what God was doing “through ordinary people”.
The exhibition, called “Mobilising Moments”, documents a year of activities that have taken place as part of The Whole World Mobilising – a global initiative that was launched in January 2017 to challenge Salvationists and people linked with The Salvation Army to engage with their local communities. The initiative is continuing throughout 2018.
The General expressed the hope that people viewing the exhibition would be inspired not simply to enjoy viewing some interesting images, but that they would want to engage in outreach too. “God is calling us to reach out to a world that is desperately in need of his love,” he said.
'Even snow can’t stop us!' During a snow storm in Bariloche, Argentina, Salvationists gave out blankets and warm clothes. Photo by Mary Gutierrez.
The exhibition was put together by IHQ-based Mobilising team members Ester Ellen Nelson and Laura Booth, working in conjunction with Berni Georges and Kevin Sims from IHQ Communications, who oversee the gallery space which adjoins the public cafe.
The photos are grouped into eight themes which cover the various aspects of the Mobilising initiative, from street evangelism and marches to practical assistance and the celebration meeting, march and open-air meeting that took place in central London in October 2017. Each theme is introduced with a relevant Scripture verse. Many of the images were provided as part of the Mobilising team’s photographic competition, with the top three given particular prominence.
Also part of the exhibition are videos shown on a large screen, examples of items – such as hats, scarves and an umbrella – that were created around the world to encourage people to participate in the Mobilising initiative, and a prayer wall where anyone can add subjects of need and interest.
For more information, plus resources, prayer materials, a Mobilising blog and daily Bible readings, go to A Mobilising app for mobile devices is also available to download for free from the App Store or Google Play.
Mobilising Moments is on display in Gallery 101 until 15 February.
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