Mission conference focuses on empowering leaders

Mission conference focuses on empowering leaders
23 March 2018
Delegates praying over and signing their national vision commitment cards during the Mission Conference 2018 in Brisbane last weekend. Photos Kathy Hughes.
“Empowering every Generation” was the theme of MC 18 (Mission Conference 2018) held in Brisbane on 17-19 March.
Officers, Salvationists and emerging leaders from all Army expressions around Queensland attended the conference, designed to empower leaders from every generation in effective ministry and innovation.
Keynote speakers for the conference were Commissioner Floyd Tidd, National Commander of The Salvation Army in Australia; Lieutenant-Colonel Lyn Edge, National Secretary for Mission; Lieut-Colonel David Godkin, Queensland Divisional Commander; and Tim Costello, Chief Advocate of World Vision Australia and Baptist minister.
Speaking about the National Vision Statement, Commissioner Tidd explained that it’s the love of Jesus that is the foundation, and that everything else we do and are is built on that.
Commissioner Floyd Tidd
“Because we’re compelled by the love of Christ, Salvos will live, love and fight alongside others whatever it may cost; because we’re compelled by the love of Christ, we surrender to God’s design and calling on our lives; because we’re compelled by the love of Christ, who was willing to suffer and die on the cross so that we might have eternal life, we surrender all so that we can live alongside others and serve the way he has served us, whatever the cost.
“This is the vision he has given to us because we’ve asked for it. It’s hard, intimidating and overwhelming, but his invitation to us is to commit, for the love of Christ compels us.”
On the Saturday, delegates each chose four electives to attend from a broad range of different options. These included: ministering to people with mental health challenges; intergenerational ministry; youth ministry; leading people to Jesus; prophecy; and mission through serving the marginalised.
Commissioners Floyd and Tracey Tidd led the elective, Reflecting on the “Leadership Challenge(s)” – A View Through the Christian Leader; and Lieut-Colonel Lyn Edge led “Wholes Not Fractions: Holistic Mission in a Fragmented World”.
Tim Costello was the keynote speaker at the Saturday night session. He spoke on the need for an organisation’s structure to support its mission, and not the other way around.
“We must examine whether our structure frees up mission and allows us to focus on what it’s all about,” he said. “A structure that services mission will enable you to overcome the ever so slight schism between social work/welfare and evangelism/worship/corps. Both of these, as The Salvation Army knows and lives so well, are mission and belong together.
“To focus on mission, though, we have to step out of our comfort zones and leave the ‘nest’ and the structure and traditions where we’ve been so comfortable.”
Tim also spoke about the challenges of holding the two arms of social services and evangelism together and the motivation Christians have, knowing that all are equal, all carry the image of God, and that God became human among those who are poor and broken.
“Even our enemies carry the image of God, and God told us not to avoid or even just tolerate them, but to love them,” he said. “That’s how radical the Christian faith is.
Jeremy Clarke leads the elective on youth ministry.
“With Jesus it was about loving others, being on the offensive in doing this.”
Tim encouraged Christians in general, to love offensively as Jesus did, to not be on the defensive, and not to remain silent about the great injustices in the world.
“The cross symbolises all of this,” he said. “It’s the heart of biblical justice. This is the passion of a big God.”
Tim also acknowledged the challenges of ministry and encouraged everyone not to lose heart but to “drink from the oases in the desert”.
Quoting Malachi 3:3 he explained that, just as silver is put through intense heat to purify it, so too does God allow us to go through tough times. As a refiner knows that the silver is pure when he can see his reflection in it, so too does God allow challenges to produce his image in us.
Delegates’ response
“The conference was most impactful, enlightening and great to get some new ideas about doing mission,” said Envoy Bill Hunter, leader at the Army’s God’s Sports Arena. “Also, a wonderful opportunity to mix with likeminded people and encourage and inspire each other.
Lieutenant Bronwyn Lithgow, Townsville Faithworks Corps Officer, appreciated the investment into people from the corps. “Our people were able to come and be taught, inspired and included in the dialogue about what a missional Salvation Army looks like, not only in Australia but also in their own corps environment,” she said. “What a blessing that is!”
Luke Terracini, Carindale Corps, felt the conference was beneficial both personally and in ministry. “I thought the electives were excellent, not only for my own spiritual growth, but also to get a lot of practical tips I can take back to my corps to put in place to help us be more effective in our ministry,” he said.
“It has also been a great way to start conversations with other leaders from my corps about how we can be more effective in what we’re doing in our community.”
Natalie Frame, cadet-in-appointment at Bayside Community Church, particularly appreciated the provisions for children. “It was such a blessing to have the kids feel like they were part of this cool mission conference and [that they] actually discussed mission at the same time,” she said.
“It really made it feel inter-generational and they honestly have not stopped talking about what they learned, shared, created and got out of it.”
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