Salvation Army assists the homeless during Commonwealth Games

Salvation Army assists the homeless during Commonwealth Games
23 March 2018
The Salvation Army is working with a range of agencies and services to assist those experiencing homelessness, and other vulnerable people, during the Commonwealth Games.
In the lead-up to the XXII Commonwealth Games (GC 2018), which begins on Queensland’s Gold Coast on 4 April, The Salvation Army will be assisting people experiencing, or at risk, of homelessness.
“As a member of the Gold Coast Homelessness Network Inc. (GCHN), The Salvation Army has worked collaboratively with government, non- government, other specialist homelessness services and community agencies for the past two years in preparing to assist people experiencing or at risk of homelessness during GC 2018,” said Mona Nielsen, Salvation Army Regional Manager, Accommodation and Housing Services, Greater Brisbane South.
“The focus is to respond to the needs of people experiencing homelessness, rather than moving them off the Gold Coast. We want people to stay on the Gold Coast where their families and support services are.”
Mona is Chairperson of the GCHN, made up of a range of different services, as well as government and non-government organisations.
The Queensland Department of Housing and Public Works has responded to the needs of the most vulnerable on the Gold Coast, developing a GC2018 Homelessness Action Plan and providing an extra $1 million for key providers to expand their services.
“In response to providing extra crisis beds and expanding operating hours, Still Waters [Salvation Army Supported Accommodation Service for women, women and children], secured funding to provide six extra bed nights and extra case-worker hours for an eight-week period,” said Mona.
“This is essentially from mid-March through to mid-May 2018.
“Still Waters is not just about providing a bed. Walking beside someone, working with them to obtain and sustain accommodation and work through any other identified goals is what we do every day, on and off site.”
Three community drop-in hubs will also be funded to operate during the Commonwealth Games for those experiencing homelessness and or vulnerable persons on the Gold Coast. The hubs will provide some meals, access to services such as Centrelink, social connection, and activities for children.
The Salvation Army volunteers will be assisting at one of these hubs during the Games.
The Red Cross will also oversee a Safe Haven – “crash beds” for persons needing overnight accommodation or somewhere to rest during the day. Up to 25 people will be supported each night.
The Salvation Army Emergency Services will assist in providing meals throughout this time.
“It is not just about the bed; we need to remember that,” said Mona. “There will be services providing support and assistance according to the identified need of the person.
“The Gold Coast agencies, government, non-government and community, have always worked collaboratively and in partnership to respond to the need,” she continued.
“This has been a great opportunity to plan for after the GC2018, establishing and further expanding post legacy and long lasting initiatives.
“These will include:
- Demystifying homelessness training;
- The 7 Care Connect real-time navigation tool to assist persons to find services;
- Advance to 0 Housing Program – ensuring those most vulnerable are housed and supported to sustain their tenancy as soon as possible.
“We are looking forward to continuing the connections and opportunities created and further developed during the Games, afterwards.”
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