Salvos making connections through Commonwealth Games mission

Salvos making connections through Commonwealth Games mission
11 April 2018
Salvation Army volunteers are serving on the Gold Coast during the Commonwealth Games.
More than 20 Salvation Army volunteers from around Australia, plus a team from Papua New Guinea, have spent the first week of the Gold Coast Commonwealth Games running kids’ clubs, family days, serving meals to the homeless, catering for firefighters and walking the streets of the city giving out lollipops and striking up conversations.
They are partnering with corps in south-east Queensland and other churches, to provide activities for the community and tourists during the Games from 4-15 April. Major Trevor Nicol is leading the team of Salvos volunteers, assisted by Salvationist Stephen Grice.
During the first week of the Games, the volunteers ran kids’ clubs at both the Gold Coast Temple Corps at Southport, and Life Community Church at Slacks Creek. After a slow start at Slacks Creek, when nobody came to the first day of the club, volunteers went doorknocking to remind people that it was on. By the end of day three, 28 children were coming to the activities.
Several of these children brought their parents to the Family Fun Day on the Saturday, and then to church on Sunday. “One young girl gave her heart to the Lord, which is great news,” said Major Nicol.
The Gold Coast kids club also connected with the corps’ SAGALA families, with two of these families coming to church for the first time. The volunteers prepared meals and served them at one of the Gold Coast’s drop-in centres for those doing it tough during the Games, and also served dinners for firefighters at two local stations.
“We’ve also given out about 600 lollipops as we walk the streets for meet and greet,” said Major Nicol. “Everyone is excited, and it’s been quite stretching for some, but we are all supporting each other.”
This week, the volunteers from Papua New Guinea will help run sports clinics at Slacks Creek, and lead worship at Moonyah (Salvation Army Recovery Services, Brisbane). The Gold Coast-based team, including students from the Army’s School for Youth Leadership on the Central Coast of NSW, will continue their activities locally.
On Friday, Commissioner Floyd Tidd, National Commander for The Salvation Army in Australia, will join the volunteers at the kids’ club, fire stations and family fun day. He will also speak during the worship meeting on Sunday.
Great to spread the love of Jesus. Keep up the great work. God bless you.