The General announces next Chief of the Staff

The General announces next Chief of the Staff
2 June 2018
From left: Commissioners Lyndon and Bronwyn Buckingham with Commissioner Rosalie Peddle and General-elect Commissioner Brian Peddle.
Officers from the New Zealand, Fiji and Tonga Territory have been appointed to global roles at International Headquarters in London.
Following discussion with the General-elect, Commissioner Brian Peddle, General André Cox announced that Commissioner Lyndon Buckingham has been appointed as Chief of the Staff, and Commissioner Bronwyn Buckingham as World Secretary for Women’s Ministries.
The appointments will come into effect on 3 August 2018.
The Chief of the Staff is appointed by the General to be second-in-command of the international Salvation Army. The first Chief was Bramwell Booth, eldest son of Salvation Army Founders William and Catherine Booth. Commissioner Lyndon Buckingham will be the 27th Chief of the Staff.
“Commissioners Buckingham take up their international appointments with a background of varied leadership experience, passion and energy that will certainly inspire the Army world to greater efforts in the building of God’s Kingdom,” General Cox said.
Commissioned in January 1990 in New Zealand, Lyndon and Bronwyn Buckingham began their shared ministry as officers in the South Island town of Queenstown. Two years later they were appointed to training college work, where they served until July 1994. Their first international appointment followed, taking up the role of Corps Officers at Windsor Corps in the Canada and Bermuda Territory.
On return to their home territory, they were appointed to Wellington City Corps in July 1998 and then headed up the Youth and Candidates department at Territorial Headquarters in Wellington.
In 2007, Majors Buckingham were appointed to lead the Southern Division of the New Zealand, Fiji and Tonga Territory, as Divisional Commander/Divisional Director of Women’s Ministries, until their appointment back to THQ in February 2010 – Lieut-Colonels Buckingham being appointed respectively as Secretary for Program and Assistant Secretary for Program.
Commissioner Bronwyn Buckingham
In February 2013, they were appointed to the Singapore, Malaysia and Myanmar Territory, as Chief Secretary and Territorial Secretary for Women’s Ministries, moving into leadership of the territory, as Territorial Commander/Territorial President of Women's Ministries, in June of the same year.
The Buckinghams were promoted to the rank of commissioner at the start of this year, assuming leadership of the United Kingdom Territory with the Republic of Ireland, as Territorial Commander and Territorial Leader of Leader Development.
I Have Read Ur Journey,it Is So Faithful And courageous
Lyndon and Brown
Congratulations on your election.
We often think of your services in Windsor On Canada how great they were.
We are praying for you both.
Wayne and Gayle Wilson
Amherstburg On