General and Commissioner Cox lead 110th anniversary celebrations in Korea
General and Commissioner Cox lead 110th anniversary celebrations in Korea
16 July 2018
General André Cox and Commissioner Silvia Cox, World President of Women’s Ministries, led celebrations for the 110th anniversary of The Salvation Army in Korea, last week.
As well as spending time in Korea leading meetings and visiting Salvation Army programs, the international leaders also travelled the nations of Mongolia and Cambodia, which are also part of the Korea Territory.
During their time in Korea, the world leaders spent time at the training college, led the Sunday holiness meeting at Kwachun Corps, spoke at divisional rallies and visited the Army’s Doori Home for Single Mothers and the Seoul Southview Children’s Home.
The General also enrolled 113 junior soldiers and led officers’ councils for 800 officers.
North Korea was mentioned at a press conference where General Cox shared his experiences of visiting the country twice through his involvement with a yogurt factory set up by The Salvation Army.
The General emphasised the importance of humanitarian aid for children and the elderly and told reporters he believed that “in our generation, North Korea will be opened up” and that, when this happens, “the international Salvation Army will mobilise to support North Korea”.
At a meal with church leaders, the General introduced and shared international Army ministries and spoke of the importance of ecumenical cooperation.
In Mongolia, the international leaders met the Chairman of the National Assembly, Mr Nyamaagiin Enkhbold, who expressed his sincere appreciation for The Salvation Army’s work in Mongolia, particularly with children.
An opportunity to share the message even further was realised when the General, Commissioner Cox and Territorial Commander Commissioner Kim, Pil-soo were invited to UBS (Ulaanbaatar Broadcasting System) TV for an interview, which was recorded and broadcast on Sunday TV.
The international leaders also visited a Salvation Army social welfare centre in Tov Aimag before attending a holiness meeting where the General enrolled 14 senior soldiers.
Moving on to Cambodia, the General and Commissioner Cox led a united salvation meeting at the Royal University of Phnom Penh, where the General enrolled 65 senior soldiers and the territorial commander presented commissions to eight envoys.
The visit ended with a new beginning, as the international leaders opened Kampot Outpost.
Following the opening and dedication to God of the outpost, the General and Commissioner Cox visited a pepper farm which is run by The Salvation Army as an income-generating project.
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