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Mount Isa Salvos host NAIDOC Week basketball event

Mount Isa Salvos host NAIDOC Week basketball eventThe winning teams from the NAIDOC Week basketball competition gathered for a photo with organiser Saberina Gasio (front).

Mount Isa Salvos host NAIDOC Week basketball event

20 July 2018

By Simone Worthing

The Mount Isa Salvation Army partnered with Anglicare to present the 4th annual NAIDOC basketball competition on Sunday 15 July.

Saberina Gasio, Financial Resilience Worker for The Salvation Army’s Moneycare, and herself a keen basketballer, organised the event.


“The NAIDOC basketball competition is all about seeing everyone connecting, barriers being broken down, and just having fun,” said Saberina.

“For me as MC of the event, it’s also about sharing the work and services that Moneycare offers – I am passionate about this, and about the people we serve.”

Ten teams registered for the competition. These teams included Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders from the local community and outlying reserves, Pacific Islanders, players from different ethnic backgrounds, and representatives from the Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women.

Several Police Liaison Officers also came down to join the local community and cheer on the players.

“It’s so important to have these officers come along,” said Saberina. “It allows the young people to have conversations with them, throw a ball with them, and see that they’re actually not scary but rather cool. It just breaks down any barriers and the stigma attached to them.

“We are happy to be part of the process that connects the two groups and helps build a solid foundation between them.

“One of the highlights of the event for me is seeing them have fun and laugh together.”

Saberina is an active part of the Mount Isa NAIDOC Committee and is focused on growing the awareness of, and participation, in the basketball competition.

“We want to do whatever we can to add value to our NAIDOC Week celebrations, and social basketball is a great way to end the week,” she said.

Winning teams this year received prizes including pizza and McDonald’s vouchers and NAIDOC merchandise, generously donated by Anglicare. Headspace donated a “boom box” for the Deadliest Team.

The top three place winners were the Rebels, Mob FM Bouncers, and Deadliest Team.

As well as playing in the women’s competition, refereeing, emceeing, Sabrina also donned her Salvation Army shirt and ran the Moneycare stall.

“We have all really appreciated the support of the Mount Isa Salvos, especially Lieutenant Cookie Steele, team leader, and Lieutenant Simon Steele, flying padre,” she said.



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