Salvation Army in Australia launches internal appeal for Indonesia
Salvation Army in Australia launches internal appeal for Indonesia
5 October 2018
The Salvation Army in Australia has been called to mobilise and support Indonesia's earthquake and tsunami recovery.
More than 1400 people have been killed and over 66,000 homes destroyed or damaged by the magnitude 7.5 earthquake and tsunami, which struck the city of Palu and the surrounding area on 28 September.
In response, The Salvation Army in Australia has launched an internal appeal, and is asking Salvos to help in two ways:
1. Pray
Pray for the people of Indonesia, and for our fellow Salvationists who are on the ground.
- Pray for Salvationists in Indonesia as they serve the community and recover from this disaster
- Pray for first responders who are currently engaged in rescue and clean-up in dangerous conditions
- Pray for the people of Indonesia
2. Give
Donate to the Indonesia Earthquake and Tsunami Appeal.
Funds raised will go to providing urgently needed supplies, including food and medical supplies, to those in the disaster zone.
A range of resources have been created to use in your corps and on Facebook. The resources are designed to help discuss the situation in Indonesia and how Salvos in Australia can help.
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