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Taking Still Others to the NextLEVEL

Taking Still Others to the NextLEVEL

Taking Still Others to the NextLEVEL

27 November 2018

The Still Others NextLEVEL Leadership forum will equip participants with leadership skills to be used in their corps, mission or ministry.

By Lauren Martin

The Still Others NextLEVEL Leadership forum on Thursday has sold out, with around 60 participants signed up to learn how they can equip emerging leaders within their corps, ministry or mission enterprise.

Forum coordinator Captain Anne Jeffrey says NextLEVEL was sourced and deployed through The Salvation Army Women’s Ministries as a leadership and personal development tool for both men and women.

“The Women’s Ministry department sponsors this program but it’s not a women’s program,” she says. “It’s about exploring who we are and who God has created us to be, and how we can live a life in community where people can thrive. It’s all about encouraging and creating communities where people can thrive.”

Introduced into Australia from the Canada and Bermuda Territory in 2015, there are now 10 trained facilitators across the country, but Captain Jeffrey says she’s hoping that number will rise, particularly after people at The Salvation Army’s Still Others event in Melbourne this week hear about it and understand how it can positively impact their mission and ministry. She says the program is aimed at developing lay leaders, volunteers and employees and has the capacity to strengthen The Salvation Army from the ground up.

“One of our imperatives is about building leadership capability; that’s been a focus in our Army. And every single division has identified it as a priority. So, we see this as a partnership to help bring support and help divisions and ALTs [Area Leadership Teams] and mission expressions to be able to do that. We want to put good quality professional leadership training in the hands of the people at the frontline so we can equip people in the best way that we can.”

People attending the NextLEVEL Leadership forum will delve into the “Confidence” module, the fourth of the eight “Landmarks of Leadership” modules in the toolkit. Captain Jeffrey says this will give them a taste for how the training works and what it’s all about, in the hope that they will want to take the tools back to their local communities.

The “Confidence” module looks at diversity and unconscious bias and the societal factors and forces that have impacted on people’s confidence throughout their lifetime. It then brings participants back to the truth, the Genesis 1 picture of God creating us and calling us into his community and his ideal for how we can live in the world and create thriving communities of inclusivity.

“My prayer would be that if people haven’t had a deep understanding of that, that they would grasp that – what God is calling us to as a movement – to be an army of people who would be intentional about creating cultures where all people can thrive, of all diversities.”




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