Panel to focus on battling hardship and injustice

Panel to focus on battling hardship and injustice
29 November 2018
Tonight's To Walk Alongside session of Still Others will feature a discussion panel, a response from The Salvation Army’s World Leader, General Brian Peddle, and a challenge to those gathered from Territorial Commander, Commissioner Floyd Tidd.
Discussing what hardship and injustice looks like in the 21st century and how The Salvation Army can partner with others to help combat adversity is the key focus of the “To Walk Alongside” session taking place tonight at Still Others in Melbourne.
This session features a discussion panel, a response from The Salvation Army’s world leader, General Brian Peddle, and a challenge to Salvationists and friends from the National Commander, Commissioner Floyd Tidd.
The panel conversation will provide an opportunity to explore some of the many ways Australians experience hardship and injustice and how The Salvation Army can partner with others already serving in local communities, as well as create new opportunities, to help battle adversity.
“We desire to see collaborative partnerships that stir hope and make a real difference in our society, and this session seeks to explore real ways of pursuing this ideal and to consider our collective and personal investment in a better future,” said Louise Mathieson, Queensland Divisional Worship Arts Coordinator and organiser of To Walk Alongside.
Guest panellists will share wisdom from their own community and sphere of influence, highlighting the places in which they seek to battle adversity. Photo: Cazeil Creative.
Guest panellists include Commissioner Rosalie Peddle, World President of Women’s Ministries (pictured right); Professor of Law Megan Davis, Pro Vice-Chancellor Indigenous UNSW who currently serves as a United Nations expert with the UN Human Rights Council’s Expert Mechanism on the rights of Indigenous peoples based in UN Geneva; Counsellor Sam Hearn from Victoria’s Mornington Peninsula who is active in addressing homelessness and affordable housing; and David Emerson, Director of Community and Stadia for the Melbourne-based Collingwood Football Club, and a firm believer in the way in which their partnership with The Salvation Army is helping those in need.
Nick McCallum, senior reporter with the Seven Network, will facilitate the panel discussion.
“We hope that those attending will be personally challenged by this discussion and that God will show people the next step they need to take to make a difference in their world,” said Louise.
The Salvos Big Band will provide musical support for this event.
To Walk Alongside will be attended primarily by people who are engaged in the delivery of The Salvation Army’s mission. This will include employees, volunteers, soldiers and officers.
Watch the live stream of this event.
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