Self Denial Appeal to launch this Sunday

Self Denial Appeal to launch this Sunday
27 February 2019
The WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) program in South Africa is dramatically changing lives and communities and a recipient of Self Denial Appeal funds.
The Salvation Army Self Denial Appeal in Australia will officially launch across the country this Sunday, 3 March.
The “altar appeal”, when corps traditionally bring their donations to the altar for collection, is on Sunday 7 April.
Online donations can be made here at any time.
Families in Ecuador benefit from projects funded by the SDA.
The Self Denial Appeal is The Salvation Army’s largest contributor to both international community development and mission support. It is based on Salvation Army founder William Booth’s understanding that God’s love was to be offered to others; that people in real despair need real hope. And real hope is released through love-filled, practical action.
“Be the Change” is the theme for the 2019 appeal, based 2 Corinthians 9:11: “You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.”
Videos will be shown at Salvation Army corps and centres each week throughout the appeal, showing how The Salvation Army is helping people be the change through programs in India, Malaysia, Ecuador and South Africa.
Women benefit from many SDA projects in India.
This theme is focused on the concept that each of the participants [featured in the videos] faced hardship and injustice but was blessed by The Salvation Army and will now go on to help others, or bring about long-lasting change in their own community.
“As God has blessed us greatly we want to help others, and start a positive cycle that will change the world,” explained Leigh O’Donoghue, International Fundraising Manager, Fundraising Department.
“Donations to the Self Denial Appeal will not just change one life but equip people to change communities – clean water, helping refugees, evangelism and educating women.”
Where the funds go
Lieutenant-Colonel Simone Robertson, Territorial Head of Salvation Army International Development (SAID), said the Self Denial Appeal gives hope and dignity to people.
Children in Malaysia are a focus of the SDA.
“All funds donated to the Self Denial Appeal go either to Salvation Army community development or mission support projects across the world,” said Lieut-Colonel Robertson. “Both are needed, and neither is more important than the other.”
Lieut-Colonel Robertson also explained that, although funds raised may not go specifically to the projects shown in the videos, all the projects featured are funded by the Self Denial Appeal.
“These videos tell the stories of the types of Salvation Army projects around the world that are beneficiaries of Self Denial funds,” she said. “So funds raised from Australia will be used for similar projects, and may or may not include these, depending on the timing of funds received and needs at the time. For example, we have already committed funds to the project in South Africa that is part of the appeal. However, funds raised will replace what we have used and enable further project development, or additional projects.”
Every command and territory around the world contributes to the Self Denial Appeal, including developing and recipient nations.
Non-tax deductible donations go towards The Salvation Army’s Evangelical/Mission Support projects via International Headquarters and SAID.
“A percentage of the Mission Support funds raised in Australia stays in Australia for ‘over and above’ needs that may arise throughout the year,” said Lieut-Colonel Robertson. “These needs may include mission support and evangelical work run by our Partners in Mission territories [Hong Kong, India North, Papua New Guinea, Rwanda/Burundi and Tanzania] or places in Africa and Asia where we have a particular focus.
International movement
Through the Self Denial Appeal, the videos, websites and resources tell stories – stories of what The Salvation Army is doing around the world and the kinds of places and projects that will receive funds.
The Self Denial team in India: Lena Pobjie, Justin Sebastian, Lieut-Colonel Simone Robertson, Michelle Watts.
“Australia is part of this international movement, so we are part of this giving,” said Lieut-Colonel Robertson. “Everyone around the world is asked to give sacrificially to the Self Denial Appeal as our movement is committed to being the change in the lives of people internationally.
“So this whole theme takes on an international perspective and shows the unity of The Salvation Army around the world. This helps bring us out of ourselves and helps broaden our thinking beyond our own corps, community and country.
Self Denial Appeal materials are available online here, including videos and devotionals by six different authors who have worked in developing countries. New this year are youth activities and youth group games can be downloaded here.
The website also shows how funds were distributed in the 2017-18 financial year. See below for a snapshot of this.
Mission Support projects:
· Ministry training for corps leaders in Tanzania
· Property repairs to five corps buildings and two officers’ quarters in Tanzania
· Repairs to four existing vehicles, and purchase of six motorbikes in Tanzania
· Corps property renovations for the Riga 2 Corps in Latvia
· Vehicle purchased for South East Division of Papua New Guinea
· Vehicle purchased for the driving school in Papua New Guinea.
Be the Change is the theme for the SDA 2019.
Community Development projects
· Drug prevention program research project in India
· SIMBA anti-human trafficking project in Kenya
· Child protection consultation in Tanzania
· Capacity-building program for communities to mitigate the effects of HIV/AIDS in eSwatini.
· Corps-based community development project in Pakistan
· Sustainable hygiene and food security project in Malawi
· Integrated community livelihood development project in Myanmar.
For more information, devotionals, stories, videos and updates click here.
To make a donation click here.
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