Tidds to farewell Australia

Tidds to farewell Australia
7 March 2019
The Salvation Army International Headquarters has announced that Commissioners Floyd and Tracey Tidd will conclude their appointments in Australia.
Commissioners Floyd and Tracey Tidd will take up new appointments in July, having led The Salvation Army in Australia through one of its most significant periods.
The Army’s International Headquarters (IHQ) has confirmed that the Tidds will farewell Australia in time to commence new, yet-to-be-announced roles on 1 July.
The IHQ announcement also includes the news that Commissioners Robert and Janine Donaldson will assume territorial leadership in Australia. Commissioner Robert Donaldson will serve as Territorial Commander and Commissioner Janine Donaldson as Territorial President of Women’s Ministries. They will take up their new appointments on 1 July.
“As our appointment as territorial leaders for the Australia Territory comes to a conclusion and we leave for new international appointments yet to be announced, we are grateful for the opportunity to have served alongside such a dynamic Army of Salvos over these past six years,” said the Tidds.
Commissioners Robert and Janine Donaldson
“We commend to all, Commissioners Janine and Robert Donaldson as leaders who love God, love people and are committed to seeing lives transformed by the love of Jesus. They are passionate about serving others and the importance of driving a clear mission strategy.”
Commissioners Floyd and Tracey Tidd, officers of the Canada and Bermuda Territory, arrived in Melbourne in June 2013 to lead the then-Australia Southern Territory; Floyd as Territorial Commander and Tracey as Territorial President of Women’s Ministries.
After almost three years as Southern Territory leaders, the Tidds
Commissioners Donaldson, meantime, have extensive experience of The Salvation Army Down Under, being officers of the New Zealand, Fiji, Tonga
They are currently serving at IHQ; Commissioner Robert Donaldson as International Secretary for Accountability and Governance, and Commissioner Janine Donaldson as Zonal Secretary for Women’s Ministries in South Pacific and East Asia and editor of Revive, the Army's international women’s magazine. Prior to this, they were the territorial leaders of the New Zealand, Fiji, Tonga
“It will be a privilege to ‘live, love and fight’ alongside the Salvationists of Australia,” said the
“We respect and give thanks for your courage and commitment through years of significant change. It will be a pleasure to walk with you in this next chapter and we will be so
Great to hear the Commissioners Donaldsons call us Salvationists, you are very welcome, let’s leave Salvos out of it.
I agree with Peter Trick, it is wonderful that the new TC used the term Salvationist. I am not a salvo, I am a Salvationist.
Why can’t we have Australian leaders from Australia?
There is no Salvationist or Salvo, officer or soldier, male or female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Unfortunately the Salvation Army I grew up in no longer exists. They no longer remember their roots, William Booth made this Army to love the unlovable. We have forgotten that and am more of an organisation than a Church of Christ.