Thought Matters Conference call for papers

Thought Matters Conference call for papers
1 April 2019
The 2019 Thought Matters Conference will be held at Eva Burrows College in Melbourne on 23-25 August.
The Salvation Army Theological Tri Territorial Forum (TTTF) is calling for Salvationists to submit papers for the 2019 Thought Matters Conference in August.
The theme of this year’s conference is Freedom to Flourish: Vocation, Calling Identity and Faith – with academics and theological aficionados requested to submit abstracts of no more than 200 words by Friday 10 May.
“We’re asking people, ‘what does it mean for someone to have a calling so we have
“Generally, in the world, we discuss how ‘calling’ relates to vocation [as an] officer, but we want people to think how it relates to a job, like a teacher in a school. We want to explore how people live out their discipleship and Christian life [in everyday vocations].”
People are encouraged to submit papers on a range of themes within this context, such as sexuality, power
“You don’t have to be an academic to submit a paper. You don’t have to have a
The Thought Matters Conference was established 15 years ago to engage theological discussion, which in turn informs ministry practice throughout the Australia Territory and the New Zealand, Fiji, Samoa
Participants who are chosen by the committee must complete their set paper of 2500 words by 2 August for presentation at the conference on 23-25 August at Eva Burrows College in Melbourne.
“What we think impacts the way we act. And what we believe impacts the way we act. If we want to act as people of God in the world, we need to understand what we think of that,” said Captain Glover.
“The idea [of the conference] is to encourage people to a deeper understanding of what we believe and why we believe it. We’re very good activists, but sometimes we’re not as good reflectors. This gives us the opportunity to reflect on different [aspects of our faith].”
People interested in submitting papers for the Thought Matters Conference should send an abstract of 200 words by 10 May to Successful applicants will be notified by 31 May.
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