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Youth get 'wild' at Victorian camp

Youth get 'wild' at Victorian camp

Youth get 'wild' at Victorian camp

16 April 2019

Youth and leaders from all over Victoria gathered for four days of ‘wild’ activity and teaching at this year’s divisional youth camp from 8-11 April.

By Jessica Morris

First it was the Israelites who were lost in the wilderness, and then it was Jesus who was tempted in the wilderness of the Judaean desert.

Just like these two biblical accounts, more than 120 youth and leaders were challenged to identify the ‘wilderness’ in their own lives at the Victoria Division’s four-day ‘WILD’ youth camp, and figure out how they could help those lost in the modern-day ‘wilderness’.

“The camp was based on the fact we are all lost in the wilderness, but we have a Saviour who is looking for us and wants to rescue us,” said Lincoln Proellocks, Youth and Young Adults Secretary for Victoria.

“When we decide that we want to be rescued, Jesus transforms, equips and makes us ready to go back out to the wilderness to help rescue other people too.” 

Held at CYC Forest Edge campsite in Neerim East (at the foot of the Yarra Ranges east of Melbourne), campers during the day participated in a range of energetic activities centred on ‘tribal wars’, with Survivor-like challenges based on teamwork. 

The night sessions were filled with worship and teaching.

Territorial Youth Secretary Adam Purcell challenged the teens to identify the wilderness in their own lives, while guest speaker Lauren Mason, NSW/ACT Divisional Youth and Children’s Team Member, asked the question, ‘What is the thing in life that is being used to bait you?’

“They’re asking what does the wilderness look like for us in our current world? What are the things in life you get lost in or need rescuing from, whether it is addiction, loneliness or many other things?” said Lincoln. “Everything is real practical in the way we explain it.”

WILD is the second united Victorian Division camp for high school-aged teenagers since the unification of divisions in the state in 2018.

Ending the camp with teaching on John 8:38, “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed”, the teenagers embraced what it meant to live ‘wild and free’ when you follow Christ wholeheartedly.

“There was lots of prayer ministry throughout the week and we know many chains were broken,” said Lincoln.

“We are continuing to see youth of this state grow deeper in their faith as they come together, build friendships with each other and encounter God together.”



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