Breaking the cycle of poverty in Africa

Breaking the cycle of poverty in Africa
29 April 2019
The Women’s Ministries Territorial Project is working to be a catalyst for change in the lives of thousands of Kenyan women, their families
Did you know that more than 100 million women in Africa are unable to read and write?
The Salvation Army Women’s Ministries Territorial Project, Women of Worth (Africa), is hoping to be a catalyst for change for some of these women to help stop the injustice, hardship
Women’s Ministries Australia has partnered with The Salvation Army International Development (SAID) to use funds raised through the project to provide development opportunities, not just for women, but to also improve the quality of life for families and communities in Kenya.
“Women of Worth is a village education and banking program that helps women lift themselves and their communities out of the cycle of poverty,” explained Captain Anne Jeffrey, Assistant Territorial Secretary for Women’s Ministries.
“Since it started over 10 years ago, it has had an extraordinary impact and helped to transform the lives of thousands of African women, particularly in Kenya.
“Its unique model brings women together in groups of 25 to learn to read and write, save money, provide access to credit, and develop business skills including record keeping, bookkeeping
“Some women form partnerships and start businesses together; many go on to become employers in their villages, strengthening local economies and providing opportunities for their friends and
“Empowered by their new skills, many of the women go on to become leaders in their communities, addressing challenging issues such as HIV AIDS, human trafficking and early childhood marriage.
“This project goes beyond simply providing money or material aid but instead equips women towards sustainable independence and enables them to bring transformation to their whole communities – one generation to the next.”
Captain Jeffrey explained that, without basic
As they have done for many years, Women’s Ministries is continuing champion and raise funds for a range of local and international initiatives to be a part of transforming the lives of individuals, families and communities.
Connor McBride, International Development Projects Coordinator, emphasised that SAID is also partnering with the Salvation Army World Service Office (SAWSO) who has been supporting Women of Worth for the last 10 years and is the main support for the next phase of this project.
“We invite you to please partner with us in this successful and sustainable project,” said Captain Jeffrey.
“Jesus’s ministry on earth demonstrated love and inspired action. With the love of Jesus, we too are able to help many more people to thrive.”
For more information and fundraising opportunities, speak to your local corps officer or centre manager.
To download resources, click here.
To watch the video, click here (or see below).
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