Self Denial funds can now make the change

Self Denial funds can now make the change
18 July 2019
Education programs in India are among many international projects that will benefit from Self Denial funding.
The Salvation Army 2019 Self Denial Appeal has raised $3,249,606 that will be used for both Salvation Army community development and mission support projects across the world.
‘Be the Change’ was the theme for the 2019 appeal, based on 2 Corinthians 9:11.
“As God has blessed us greatly we want to help others, and start a positive cycle that will change the world,” explained Leigh O’Donoghue, International Fundraising Manager, Fundraising Department.
“Donations to the Self Denial Appeal will not just change one life but equip entire communities to improve their own lives – for example, their health through access to clean water, their livelihood through income-generating activities, and through the education of women.
The Self Denial Appeal is based on Salvation Army founder William Booth’s understanding that God’s love was to be offered to others; that people in real despair need real hope. And real hope is released through love-filled, practical action.
For those who would like to give one week’s salary or more to the appeal but struggle to achieve that in the six-week intensive campaign, there’s an opportunity to set up an ongoing regular giving plan.
Donations to the 2020 appeal can now be made at
To set up regular giving, or to donate online to the 2020 Self Denial Appeal, go to
If you would like to speak to someone about giving online, contact Leigh O’Donoghue on 02 9466 3152.
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