COVID-19: General calls for social distancing not social isolation
COVID-19: General calls for social distancing not social isolation
23 March 2020
Speaking from his home in London, following the temporary closure of the movement’s international headquarters, the General has released this message:
The prevailing message from International Headquarters is that Salvationists follow advice, observe all the protocols but remain connected to others in need and continue to serve in [Jesus’] name as far as possible.
I am delighted to be leading an Army that understands social distancing but also understands that we do not need to be antisocial.
Each day, I am reading stories of innovation, creativity and I catch glimpses of Salvationists with their sleeves rolled up. Obviously, there is a renewal to the Call to Mission and the emphasis on what it means to be Battle-Ready Now.
I am, by the grace of God, already predisposed to having a heart that wants to respond. It makes me a responder to global and local tragedies – loss of life, economic hardships, food insecurity and injustice. Many of our people and those we serve are already destitute; hanging by a thread, losing hope and afraid. Thank you to every corps and centre who is finding ways to serve and respond.
I have often used the phrase “we are all in this together” but today it seems to take on new meaning. I’m working from my home today – no travel – using the internet to join with you, pray along with you and celebrate that God still comes alongside. God bless The Salvation Army.
Many of you will not meet for church this week. Still, I ask that you would be the church. It is possible that not going to a service leaves us with an even greater responsibility to serve.
Listen carefully to all the advice, but be the best neighbour ever. Engage in prayer and let people know you are praying. And for certainty, claim every possible God-moment that he provides for you.
Salvation Army – step up. Show and offer God’s grace. And though we refrain from physical embrace, let there be a godly embrace of grace.
I want to commend to you your officer leaders and ask that you would pray for them and support them as they are leading in uncharted waters. None of us have been this way before. So God bless them.
I ask you, Salvationists, to be vigilant as well and find God in the midst of uncertainty. He is faithful. He is a God of refuge and he is a God of strength.
May God bless you.
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