Continued mission of hope to a country in crisis

Continued mission of hope to a country in crisis
1 April 2020
The Salvation Army is continuing to serve Australians in need with its essential services. (Stock image.)
During the recent bushfires, the word “unprecedented” was often used. Little did we know a seismic crisis was just ahead, not only for Australia but for the world.
The Salvation Army is committed to playing its part in responding to these unprecedented times and the impacts of COVID-19, which is already compounding existing social and economic difficulties in our community. We are seeing impacts on people previously vulnerable as well as a growing number of newly vulnerable.
The Salvation Army will continue its ongoing service provision in the face of increased complexity, and is adapting social and community programs in line with government and health advice.
In addition to transitioning existing and essential social services to this new context, new ways to serve are being explored to ensure those experiencing hardship or injustice aren’t even more isolated.
The Salvation Army will continue its primary service delivery in areas including Homelessness, Aged Care, Alcohol and Other Drug Addiction, Youth, Family and Domestic Violence, Emergency Relief and Financial Counselling. These services are being adapted to keep everyone as safe as possible while keeping connected and responding to the needs of Australians.
The Salvation Army also remains fully committed to supporting those affected by drought as well as the 2019-20 bushfires. This is primarily being done using technology, with personnel assisting individuals and families over the phone or online.
The Army is also reaching out in new ways and, where possible, supporting the delivery of essentials packs to those in self-isolation who do not otherwise have support to obtain necessities. Many community programs have adapted to this next context, takeaway meals have replaced community meals and friendship phone calls have replaced drop-in centres.
The constraints put in place to contain COVID-19 has made The Salvation Army rethink the way it delivers its services, but the mission remains the same. Now, more than ever across the country, Salvation Army workers continue to reach out to the community and support the most vulnerable.
These words (below) of the reflection entitled ‘Lockdown’ by Brother Richard Hendrick express The Salvation Army’s commitment to hope and love in the face of anxiety and isolation.
Yes there is isolation. But there does not have to be loneliness.
Yes there is panic buying. But there does not have to be meanness.
Yes there is sickness. But there does not have to be disease of the soul.
Yes there is even death. But there can always be a rebirth of love.
Wake to the choices you make as to how to live now.
The Salvation Army chooses and is committed to hope today.
Lieut-Col Lyn Edge is Secretary for Mission for The Salvation Army.
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