Easter message from the Prime Minister

Easter message from the Prime Minister
9 April 2020
Prime Minister Scott Morrison has written a message to Christians this Easter.
For Christians, Easter represents a time of reflection and renewal, as we remember the sacrifice of Christ, his resurrection and the divine story of redemption.
This year we will celebrate Easter differently.
During a time of great challenge for the world, we will celebrate Easter not in our churches but in our homes away from our congregations.
This Easter has a poignancy with families separated and our traditions interrupted. We are distancing ourselves from each other this year, so that next year and beyond, our families and congregations can gather again.
This global health crisis is a once in one hundred year event. At a time like this, when so much is being asked of us, the story of Christ’s sacrifice and resurrection serves as a source of strength and hope.
Life has changed and it will continue to change in the many months ahead. Though we are separated from one another, faith teaches us we can be together in spirit, even if we are physically apart.
Every day our faith speaks to us about lives that puts others first. It answers the question put to Jesus: Who is my neighbour?. This Easter we will live that out. This Easter we are asking Australians to stay home, don’t travel and don’t go away to holiday. That is how we can care for each other this Easter.
We have a long way to go, but we are part of an incredible country, and we are working together with an unparalleled sense of purpose, unity and co-operation.
So this Easter, we reflect and draw strength from our faith as we face the challenges of our times.
The Hon Scott Morrison MP
Prime Minister of Australia
Praying for Scott Morrison who was appointed by God as the Australian prime minister.
God bless him.
" For such a time as this
Thank you for your beautiful message. Christ is our strength and hope .
God bless you PM.
Noel Jones