Tahnee off to a flying start in Digital Doorknock

Tahnee off to a flying start in Digital Doorknock
12 May 2020
Captain Peter Hobbs thanks Bellarine Peninsula Salvo Tahnee Parsons for her amazing fundraising efforts so far in this year’s Red Shield Appeal.
When Tahnee Parsons set a fundraising goal for this year’s Red Shield Appeal Digital Doorknock, she decided to be ambitious.
“I set a goal for $1000. Once I reached that, I [increased] my goal to $1600 to top what we did last year,” the Bellarine Peninsula Salvo said.
As soon as the Digital Doorknock was launched, Tahnee registered as an online fundraiser and started sending hundreds of messages on social media, posting video updates on her collection page and sharing her story. In no time at all, Tahnee became one of the first people in Australia to surpass the $1000 mark and has smashed her revised goal, passing the $2000 mark as of yesterday.
Tahnee said the Australia Territory Community Initiative program, where corps retain appeal proceeds raised in their area for local mission, has given her extra incentive.
“One of the things I mention is that this stays local. It’s definitely made a difference to people donating. I like to reassure people [donations are] going to the Bellarine Salvos Outreach Van, to our counselling program, and our Youth Ambassador program,” she said.
Tahnee’s passion for the Red Shield Appeal Digital Doorknock is fuelled by her own story of acceptance in the Salvos. Two years ago, after leaving her university course, she felt she was lacking purpose. That was when she met Captains Peter and Di Hobbs at Bellarine Peninsula Salvos, south-west of Melbourne.
“When I connected, I didn’t know what I was doing in this world. They got me on track with mentoring and building my relationship with God,” she said. “It snowballed and I have this drive and fire inside of me!”
Tahnee admits she has a passion for fundraising and is a member of Bellarine’s Red Shield Appeal committee.
Peter and Di are also celebrating Tahnee’s initiative, embracing what the younger generation has to offer to this year’s Digital Doorknock. “We are leaders who empower the strengths of those around us. Tahnee is young with a strong social media presence. We have to let these guys lead in this space,” said Peter.
The results are in, and Tahnee clearly feels empowered – there’s no stopping her now. “Ultimately, I’m gonna keep upping it until people don’t give anymore!” she laughs.
Tahnee’s tips for Red Shield Appeal fundraising:
- Create your own Digital Doorknock page
Go to digitaldoorknock.salvationarmy.org.au/, create your own account and select the Salvation Army expression you want your fundraising to go towards. Tahnee suggests ministry leaders connect with their youth and young adults to set up individual fundraising pages, enabling them to spread the message of the Red Shield Appeal outside the Salvo community.
- Contact your friends
Don’t just post about the appeal on Facebook; send private messages to your friends and family, explaining why the appeal is important to you. Use email, phone and social media platforms like Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok. Or, send a letter!
- Share updates
Every time you hit a goal, tell your donors about it online! Write a blog on your Digital Doorknock page or share a video on social media. You may even find a donor who wants to share their story about how the Salvos helped them.
- Every little bit counts
It doesn’t matter whether people donate $5 or $100, every donation from this year’s Digital Doorknock appeal goes back to the work of your local Salvos. You can remind people of this every time you set a new goal!
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