Founder's speech still inspiring in 2020

Founder's speech still inspiring in 2020
2 July 2020
One hundred and fifty-five years to the day since William Booth preached in an outdoor meeting in East London – making the first step in forming the movement that became The Salvation Army, which now ministers in 131 countries – an international group of Salvationists, employees and volunteers has been brought together to share an adapted version of Booth’s most famous speech.
The rewritten ‘I'll Fight’ speech has been released to coincide with Founders’ Day, an occasion celebrated throughout The Salvation Army world with special meetings, marches, outdoor celebrations and other events. Sadly, the coronavirus pandemic means that many plans for this year’s celebrations have been put on hold.
The video, I’ll Fight 2020, takes the thinking behind the ‘I’ll Fight!’ cry for social justice that General Booth gave in the early 20th century and reimagines it for 2020, as COVID-19 and the renewed fight for racial equality dominate the headlines and have a bearing on people across the world. The final version features input from people linked with The Salvation Army in 20 countries, with the last word given by General Brian Peddle, the world leader of The Salvation Army.
Countries featured include Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, El Salvador, Finland, France, Guyana, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Nigeria, Romania, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA and Zambia.
The video can be viewed and downloaded from or see below.
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